Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Tick Tock

"I'm late, I'm late for a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye, I'm late..." Rabbit, Alice in Wonderland.
Lately it seems that I have some kind of Time-Table in my head.  Expectations of completion of something or another, and I am not getting things done in a timely manner.  Then I wonder whose time-table am I on?  For the most part no one really gives a care; so wrapped up in their own concerns and time-tables, they don't even noticed the ticking of my clock. Wasted, senseless worry.  I would be better off tying those concerns to a hot-air balloon and let the wind carry them away. The question would then be what would I spend my time on if not for worry? #!**$@!

Wisdom of the Oracle


  1. I often catch myself when I'm working on one task but my mind is already on something else I need to do next. #!**$@! indeed! :D

    1. Hello. We always seem to me multitasking. It's the world we live in.

  2. I have anxious dreams. can't get there, can't find someone, can't finish something...and I'm so straightforward and organized in real life. I hate feeling rushed.

    1. I used to be able to live 'by the seat of my pants.' Not anymore. Please don't rush me or change plans in mid stream. Yikes!


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...