Thursday, May 9, 2019

Shot of something

I sure could use a boost of this kind of energy.  Slept poorly last night.  Maybe there is a lesson here with this card.  I am sure this cheetah has had sleepless nights.  Uncomfortable tree branch, the huffing of lions nearby, Thunderstorms with vibrant streaks of lightning, those would all make for an uncomfortable and restless night.  Still the hunt needs to go on, with the dawn comes opportunities that can't be missed just cause one is a little, okay maybe a lot, draggy.  Get up and go and do and tonight replenish.
And so it is.

Wisdom of the Oracle


  1. I am dragging today after a sleepless night, and I have a cheetah in my card draw today too!
    A couple of cups of coffee and a shower should help get me moving. :)

    1. I drink my caffeine cold and fizzy. Water helps some, but caffeine gets me revving.

  2. before you two have your coffee read my post. we have to be bright eyed to make it ...

    1. More and more we got to be careful what we hunt down and eat.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...