Friday, May 3, 2019

Own it

I occasionally sit and wonder 'what if'  This Queen of Wands this morning reminds me of reflection.  She seems to be looking off to left lost in a remembrance. I have made some 'not so right' choices in my life. Is there any point trying to figure out, what if?  What if I did go right not left?  Things may or may not have changed, there are some things I would change, others, nope.  If I changed one thing everything after could and most likely change.  Own it.  I am who I am and I am because of some of those choices. 
I just realized I use changed a lot in the above paragraph, so any Queen of Wands worth her salt has the gumption to get up and embrace change.
age, hang, can, cage, nag...words within change.
I can hang the worry of age, forget the doubts that nag at me, break free of the cage...change.
I still have fifteen hours today to do something different to effect change.

1 comment:

  1. it is good to think of these things, surprising how many never do. The key is perhaps think vs obsess. the other turning may have been better, could certainly have been worse. I have just two feet and one mind and the three push me along. Together, we can shout across if we see a fool jumping... :)


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...