Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Ready to step down, walk away.

I have been working the better part of 45 years and if you include paper delivery and corn detasseling, it is more like 50.  I am tired of standing my ground and hanging in there.  That fox and goose making threatening and loud noises are the ones in my head saying "never give in."  I would like to have a quiet two weeks where my phone was not ringing or people demanding my time and attention...But then when that does happen as it had  during the economic down-turn, ten years ago, I was desperate that anyone would 'honk' at me, call me please...Never satisfied, never happy.  At least while I listen to noises of doubt and fear in my head.

The Linestrider's Journey - Tarot


  1. we spend a lot of our lives in feast or famine mode don't we. seldom of our own doing. Wonder how we'd manage if we really Did have control over our lives?

    1. Feast or Famine indeed. That's the way of our thinking.

  2. I would like to have a refresh button for my brain when it gets stuck in rehash mode.

  3. Fear is a nasty companion and often calling Guilt and Regret to the party as well. I hope you can shove them out of the backdoor find some.peace and quiet for yourself...

    1. Fear is my constant companion, even when I get it to shut up, I know it lurking behind the next turn or doorway.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...