Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Combined influences


Attraction comes in many forms. When we have the support of another it strengthens us. 

I was thinking of a quote from Matthew: when two or more are gathered. In prayer, in heart, in friendship, in goals, when two or more are gathered, there is expansion.

The Gaian Tarot

Monday, September 28, 2020

The Divine Woman


Today marks the fourth day in succession of powerful archetypes of women represented in the cards.  The World, The Sun, The Empress, The High Priestess. When patterns emerge or coincidences show up, I take notice. The Goddess, The Maiden, The Mother, The Crone.  All the women are the same, in different phases of appearance. The four of them represent a strong foundation. A foundation for what? Remains to be seen or discovered, but I am sure that I am going to pay attention.

The Gaian Tarot

Sunday, September 27, 2020



Looks like all is well on this lovely Sunday. Today even though I am having a few difficulties this morning, I will choose to focus on all the wonder. all the blessings, all the bounty that is in my life,  Focus on all the positives and all those little gnats of worry lessen.  

Bright Blessings.

The Gaian Tarot - Joanna Powell Colbert

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Thousand words


If a picture is worth a thousand words, than yay for me on this Saturday.  Bright Blessings

The Gaian Tarot - Joanna Powell Colbert

Friday, September 25, 2020



I woke up earlier and turned on the tv and PBS had a documentary on the some of the planetary changes going on. "Humans are the driving force of major changes to the planet's ecosystem." As the Earth has gone through cycles of change and upheaval, the scientists have given names to those cycles. The current cycle, Anthropocene, because we are in the Age of Humanism. We are the change and it is not good. Other cycles took millions of years and we will manage to do it in a few generations.  I believe the Universe or the Great Mother will have to step in a take control.  Maybe COVID was the wake-up call we did not answer, the time-out we didn't take. As a child when punished, it was a time out in the corner or the room, maybe even no dinner, or two weeks of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If we did not learn our lesson the punishment was severe. I fear Mother Nature is not happy with her gifts of nature and the World and we will soon have to answer.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Don't try this at home


More fire magic. 

Sometimes we see people do things, preform tasks, take risks and we wonder, 'what if?' Best not to try them at home with out instructions. Risks and confrontation without some clue as to what we are doing or what we are up against and we can burn ourselves in the attempt. I can enjoy the magic without necessarily understanding it. Others and the Universe have their secrets and so do I. 

The Gaian Tarot

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Flame affinity


An Earth Sign by birth with more planets in Fire positions than the other elements and almost none in Water. I am fascinated with the flames. The other evening I lit a candle in observance of Mabon and was content to watch the flames, but then I turned my attention to the setting Sun on the last full day of Summer, more fire. Magic dances in the fire and insight too. There is something entrancing about the whiff of wood smoke in the air as well and the knowing of wood hissing and spitting its sap to touch of the flame. Careful I must be, since the fire can also burn, as I well know.

The Gaian Tarot

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Seasons change

 What a lovely reminder on the Autumnal Equinox.  A return to a more simpler life.  Spending time  outdoors in exploration and crafting my discoveries. The Earth continues her tilt away from the Sun, at least here in the Northern Hemisphere, so gather what will be needed during the winter days indoors. 

The Gaian Tarot

Monday, September 21, 2020

Sun salutations


The last full day of Summer.  Where did the days go? The days of waning sunshine have not gone unnoticed. The weather has turned seasonably cool these last few days; unlike last year when ninety degrees held sway until early October.

Today, this last day of Summer is a good reminder that change comes to us all. We are all on our way somewhere. Celebrate it, enjoy it, resist it, deny it, and still we move on. There is something special about turning and tipping your face up to the Sun. That's where you find me today, in the sunshine.

The Gaian Tarot

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Endings and Beginnings


When the dust finally settles, I wonder where we will be.  Endings and beginnings. Frightening days still ahead.  Know it and prepare for it. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 

The Gaian Tarot ~ Joanna Powell Colbert

Saturday, September 19, 2020



Off Kilter. Best to check my viewpoint before making a choice.  We all see the world from our lens. 

The Tarot of Durer

Friday, September 18, 2020

Another fine mess...


Admonition. We tell ourselves not to go there.  Place reminders on post it notes, letters to oneself, bell tones on our hand-held devices and still we walk right into the trap. Misgivings about a line drawn in the sand, and yep we step right over.  Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy.   Eventually we learn, but how many owies does it take.  Just thinking about it makes us wants to lay down and take a time out.

The Tarot of Durer

Thursday, September 17, 2020



Traditions. Responses. Reasoning.  I noticed that the attached cups become further embedded in the chalice well. So do those things given and taught to us from the day we come forth. So much of who we are, are reflections of our parents. It reminds of an Easter story.

A newly married couple are having everyone over to their new home for their first Easter Celebration Dinner.  The wife cuts both ends off the ham and places in baking pan. The husband asks why she cut the ends off and she said her Mother did. So they called her Mother and asked the reason behind the trimming of the ends and she said, her Mother did it that way. They called the Grandmother and asked why she cut the ends of the ham off and she told them it was the only way the ham would fit into the pan.

Time to think about some of those things that have been passed along to us/me.

The Tarot of Durer

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Done is done


Finito, over, done.  Are we ever done with a thing, person, or place? Not really I think.  Time and energy vested in said thing, person, or place weaves in the structure of ourselves. Still we can give ourselves a clear signal; Done is Done.  

The Tarot of Durer

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Cut our losses


Sometimes there is no "making the best" of a bad situation.  Most of us do hang in there longer than we should. When it is time for change, make the change. Start anew. Did it once you can do it again. Making a new way can be challenging, but the loss of ourselves by remaining in a toxic environment is just not worth the cost.  

This interpretation of the Four of Wands, really comes across to me as a Reversed Four of Wands. Sometimes the price of security is just too much.

Tarot of Durer

Monday, September 14, 2020

Gentle observer


Sometimes things are beyond our ability. So much of my life I have tried to control and predict my destination through my days.  Am I here because of those paths that I traveled or am I at where I was going to be all along? Those detours I chose just made things more challenging and sometimes  more interesting.  I am thinking there will be much less stress and anxiety if I just go with the 'flow' and see where Life takes me. 

"If you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you need."

Tarot of Durer

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Purposeful destination


This Knight of Wands has given some thought to his quest.  His fire energy is focused and prepared and his pony is too.  Talk about first impressions.  He grabs our attention and we are fascinated with what and who he is.

I cannot decide if the plant on the top of his helmet is a gift or the sprout of a new idea he brings to us to consider. Either way he has not come empty handed. The big spiky club means he intends to garner our attention one way or the other.

Something new presents itself to me today, I best stop and give it some consideration.

The Tarot of Durer~ Giacinto Gaudenzi & Manfredi Toraldo

Saturday, September 12, 2020

back and forth


Trial by error. Keeping two projects going at a time is challenging. We all do it from time to time. Like a juggling act. Focus on the ball at hand as you wait for the other in the air to return. Back and forth. Here and there. Up and down. This and That.  Do this, then do that.  No keeping it up for long, just long enough to get done what needs to be done.

Fairy Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

Friday, September 11, 2020

Take the High Road


Take the "High Road." Be the better person. Pssh. Why? Of course the answer is it is always better to be kind and generous, but there are days when you get tired of being abused, taken advantage of, pushed around, ignored.  Some days enough is enough. Some days you got to put on the 'big girl' panties and stand toe to toe with the bullies. As I have gotten older and hopefully a bit wiser I realize being right or out front is not all it is cracked up to be. Still, there are days that I get tired of being pushed and I push back. You know what; it feels pretty good. I don't push back whereas it will be a pain to another, just to that moment that they know that I am there and aware. 

Fairy Tarot

Thursday, September 10, 2020



This Ten of Pentacles makes me feel nostalgic about days of past. I never had children but enjoyed days with niece and nephews. Not of all them; distance, whether miles or differences exempted me from participating in some of their lives. Now they are all on their own paths and I wonder if they carry a bit of me with them? Maybe, maybe not, but I carry them with me as I continue on.

The Fairy Tarot

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Go the distance


Go the distance! Sometimes you just got to dig deep and find those wells of reserve within oneself.  This fairy has put on her best face and refuses to let the world know how weary she is and what is typically shown in a Nine of Wands.  Her makeup has been expertly applied so none see the lines of stress around her eyes and grimace of her smile. She knows she can complete and go the distance. When she finishes she may look and feel battle weary, but today she puts on her brave face and gets it done.

The Fairy Tarot

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Oh look


Oh look, it's a baby!

New beginnings are happening all the time, everyday, usually without us even noticing.  I find myself wishing that my life was different, I was different. I need to realize new beginnings happen all the time.  So today I am different than yesterday. Yesterday's Seven of Cups hinted at choice, my choice yesterday was to do nothing. which was a choice as well.  Blink and it's a new day, a new beginning. A new day, all bright and shiny with promise.

Fairy Tarot

Monday, September 7, 2020



There is power in making a decision. Today the Seven of Cups makes me think not so much as making a choice of those things that are available, but to acknowledge that I have things available. The real limitation is sitting idle and not put myself in action.

Fairy Tarot

Sunday, September 6, 2020

The promise

The Star, a favorite. With twinkling promises of wishes fulfilled. Today wishful thinking won't do me any good.  I had a bright and shiny day yesterday, with family and bridal shower for a soon-to-be niece inlaw. By the end of the day things fell flat for me. Maybe too much sugar from the treats. Possibly a reminder of a path I didn't follow, but never figured I make the journey on my own. There was  also a negative person there that emitted some darkness and the ickyness lingered. I set out in the moonlight beneath the stars last night hoping that this morning the sugar and shadow hangover would have dissipated, but still listless. Maybe more sitting out under our local star, The Sun, today will burn away what lingers. 

Fairy Tarot Cards - Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Come Sail Away


"Reflections in the waves spark my memory, Some happy, some sad, I think of childhood friends and the dreams we had, We lived happily forever, so the story goes, But somehow we missed out on the pot of gold But we'll try best that we can to carry on. A gathering of angels appeared above my head, They sang to me this song of hope and this is what they said..."  STYX

This song keeps playing in my head every time I view these cards this morning.

Friday, September 4, 2020

Hanging in the air

 All the drama, chaos, and mayhem that are hanging in the air are taking a toll on all of us.  Everyday we wake to hear of more death, more destruction, and more wreckage of all that has been. Endings. With endings we must find a new way.  I think if we reach within we can grab the sword apart, our Ace of Swords. our sword of truth, and swipe away those three that hang above us like a dark cloud. Time to move beyond what we were and search for the new.

Rider Waite Smith Tarot

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Sunny Days

 Today is starting out better than yesterday. My laptop and files locked up and then, that was that for the better part of the day.  Even though we won't see much sun in our region today, tomorrow and the long holiday weekend is going to offer up plenty of days of sunshine. These are the waning days of Summer so best be outdoors as much as possible. Soak up those sunny rays and charge up the bodily systems. 

Who knows what this Winter will bring, more chaos for sure. These next couple of days are going to be spent with sunshine on my shoulders, which makes me happy.

Rider Waite Smith Tarot

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Wherever you go

Wherever you go, there you are.
Forward we must go. I am exhausted looking back over my should at the 'should have done, been, Tired of the what ifs. Can I let them go? Leave 'em by the wayside and continue with the bare essentials of needs?  Wishful is that. We are made up of all the little bits of this 'n that.  Wherever you go, there you are. Can I finally accept the me of me and go forward and enjoy the last leg of my journey as Carolyn?
The future is the only way forward.

The Rider Waite Smith Tarot

Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...