Wednesday, October 31, 2018


The World has righted herself and returned to her safe haven.  Another niner card today, the Hermit yesterday and the Nine of Pentacles today.  I have traded the lantern for a companion to spend the day with.  Today is the completion of three years doing this blog.  I began with thirty days of Gratitude on November 1, 2015 and tomorrow I begin a new cycle and thirty days of gratitude.  I am grateful to this forum and a couple of great gals that converse with me through the blogasphere.  If I hadn't started posting three years ago I would have not met my couple of long distance friends. Sharyn and Bev, you have enriched my life with our conversations. Thank You!

The Fountain Tarot

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


What do I search for?  Yesterday was a quiet day.  No calls, no pressing appointments.  I slept a lot yesterday and did a couple of guided meditations.  A Hermit day.  I have had these times throughout my life and they can scare me. As a salesperson with no clients to work with, it can mean failure and many questions of self worth.
Not now, my days in sales are numbered and I am okay with that.  I need to embrace these days of solitude and withdrawal to help me find what I am searching for.  What is next. 
Yesterday I drew the World and spent my day on my own. Maybe a inclination to the end of one way and the beginning of another. Today, the Hermit. Which way will the path take me?

The Fountain Tarot

Monday, October 29, 2018


I don't normally do reversals, but when you load the card on the scanner and it comes up reversed, it is worth paying attention to.
Wonder what could be ahead of me that will turn me on my head?  Maybe something I thought was coming to an end has some lose ends that need to be completed.  That spinning prism within makes me wonder what might be taking me in the wrong direction.
Whatever.  I best take an extra blouse with me today just in case I lose the shirt off my back...
Some things just don't turn out the way we expect.

The Fountain Tarot

Sunday, October 28, 2018

The question is

I do not know what the High Priestess has to say to me today.  Possibly finding balance in my unbalanced emotional state.  I think I am all good, but several plumbing issues makes me question myself. Do my mechanical water issues have some bearing on something hidden within myself?  The other day a plumber found a crack in a waste-water line, today the washer will not start, this is the almost brand new washer that I bought just a couple of months ago.  This High Priestess has her feet immersed in the ocean and that full moon makes me wonder about these manifestations. Am I projecting out or just hit and miss run of not so good luck?

The Fountain Tarot

Saturday, October 27, 2018


Be careful where you step.  I was thinking that about walking on eggshells when I saw this.  Always careful about where we place our next step, temper the next words out of our mouths.  That is no way to live.  Fearful of offending. 
I can't change who I am but I can change who I might be sharing the conversation with.  I have left a few acquaintances  "friends" behind this year because well, because we no long seemed right together.  I got tired of always trying to say the right thing, always forgiving of their slights.  It is okay to be on your own some of the time.

Fountain Tarot

Friday, October 26, 2018

Musical chairs

Here is Strength showing up in the Major's  Eleven position.  I don't hold with Strength being moved to Justice's position, but then again a little musical chairs doesn't hurt anything.  Without a little change here and there Life and Carolyn can become a bit stagnant. 
Where will I need Strength to come in today?
Not sure, but I will remember that when I think things are going the way I think they should, the music might stop and then I better find the lion chair to sit in.

The Fountain Tarot

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Crazy Eights

Crepuscular Rays.

Looks like train tracks.  Some fast flowing information. Yesterday drew the Eight of Pentacles today the Eight of Wands.  Taking the finished product out into the world. Moving forward is the message I am receiving.  Yesterday I finally made my mind up about something that I have left hanging.  The eights give me the nod to move on forward.  Tried one thing, didn't work, move on and allow something else an opportunity.  Opportunity, I like that.  Train tracks toward those rays of hope and opportunity.

The Fountain Tarot

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Vows

Money can bring things together. 
I have a love - hate relationship with money.  I think it is from vows of  poverty, chastity, and obedience that I have taken in previous lives.  I have worked most of my life and still in search of financial security and though I know that security is not held in my pockets but within my heart, mind, and soul, hasn't stopped me from wishing to have more jingle jangle.
So for today, I will keep working on putting the pieces together and remember to enjoy myself along the way.

The Fountain Tarot

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


"Oh, ho, ho, it's magic you know, never believe it's not so" ~E.l.o

Given a bit of magic or luck, I will take it. Let's see what the day brings and who I can share the magic with.

The Fountain Tarot

Monday, October 22, 2018


I wonder why so many use the word Illusion when commenting about The Moon card in the tarot.  More illumination that illusion.   There is a full moon this week and in my morning meditation book it speaks to the full moon.  Coincidence?
The more I look at this Full Moon the more it reminds of The Chariot.  The two ethereal wolves calling me forward.  I wonder about the surging waves and the calm waters beyond.  I am entranced by the Full Moon and when given time I will soak under its glow. 
For today I will keep my emotions in check if someone tries to get under my skin. 

The Fountain Tarot

Sunday, October 21, 2018


The one that broke the camels back.  The last straw.
I recently wrote down a quote, something random on the internet:
"Opportunity doesn't knock if it doesn't know where you are."
If I get bogged down trying to manage a bunch of this n that, I am going to miss the opportunity that is at hand.
Opportunity a good word for 2019.  I still have 72 days of this year to doing something with first.

The Fountain Tarot-
Created by Jonathan Saiz
Written by Jason Gruhl
Designed by Andi Todaro

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Momma Mia indeed

On the back of the card Sue Lion says "These are the songs I sang to my children. They are the songs my mother sang to me"  Those are the lyrics surrounding the picture.  Funny that I don't remember my Mother singing lullabies to me as a child. I am absolutely sure her mother did not sing to her.  I know my Mother had to have.  I remember her humming and she adored Antiono Carlos Jobim and his latin songs and guitar.  So much so that is what I had played at her funeral.  I had a CD of his favorite songs that she had been gifted and that is what played.
Tall and tan and young and lovely, the girl from Ipanema goes walking and when she passes each one she passes goes ahhh.

Friday, October 19, 2018


I read somewhere explaining Trees are witnesses of time; of the changes that occur through the seasons and years.  They are there, just there - yesterday, today, tomorrow existing in their mastery.
I wonder when they preform the autopsies on trees in a hundred years from now what the rings of those trees will reveal about us today? 
I love trees.  The whispers they share.  The glory of the changing seasons they display. The sacred space they provide.  I have a favorite tree in a park, I think I will go for a visit today.

Eartheart Wisdom Cards - Susan Andra Lion

Thursday, October 18, 2018

The best medicine

How lovely, another mer-friend has showed up today.  I believe the pair has stopped by to help me out of funk-slump.  This cold drags on and laughter might just be the best medicine.  I thought I was over the crud, but alas it lingered for a few more days.  Today I am up and moving and out the door for a class so I can't be all that bad. 

Magic & Myth - Sue Lion

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Blowing in the Wind

New beginnings are happening all the time, mostly without us noticing.  If I take a moment I realize that where I am today is not where I was a year ago.  If I look even farther back I can see the transformation from then to now.  I have made progress even with the two steps forward and one step back dance I do.

For today I will count my blessings.  Me free to be me.

Magic & Myth and Spirit Animal cards-Sue Lion

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


I have never given much thought to the Native American's Medicine Wheel.  I see it displayed many places and know that many people walk the path of this sacred circle.  I have always recognized the four main polar directions and give a nod to the above and below concept and can agree, that most of my direction in life comes from within, at least now, since I don't listen to others 'must' advice. But, I never added all that up to the seven directions noted here and on the medicine wheel.  Something to think about in my continuing quest for healing and healing ways.

Eartheart Wisdom - Sue Lion

Monday, October 15, 2018

Tender Care

"Ravens singing hearts. Mother Earth's hand cradling the tree. Can it be? Of Course! Mystery is afoot and we are protected and caressed at all times. All we have to do is be open to the magic of being and allow ourselves to be a jewel in the glowing earth.  Hope overcomes all, and now is the time to take up the mantle of caring- for yourself and those you can touch." ~ quoted from the back of the card.  Susan Andrea Lion

Eartheart Wisdom Cards - Sue Lion

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Second look

There is more to us than what meets the eye. 
I wonder if that peacock is saddened by the loss of his feather, the one the merchant is wearing in his cap.  We do things because we need, want, or have to, but that doesn't necessarily mean we are happy about it.  After laying about sickly these last four days or so it is time to get up and do a few things.  If someone give me a hard way to go today, I will just go back to bed and succumb to my misery for a few more hours. 

The Green Witch Tarot - Anna Moura

Friday, October 12, 2018


Hopefully this card signals the change from this horrible cold to returning wellness.  The respiratory issues have diverted my attention from my other wellness issue.  Not enough oxygen maybe. It has turned cool and maybe this afternoon I can set outside and get some fresh air.  Lovely 

The Green Witch Tarot

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Time Out

Here's the thing, this is me today.  Yesterday I woke with a scratchy irritated throat; must have been that child, with his drippy snotty nose, with his parents when we looked at a home the other day.  I have taken my Vitamin C and some Ziacam and now I have have to let my body rest and clear that crap out of my system that the kid passed to me the other.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Fruits of one's labor

Thanks goodness there is an end to our means.  When we do what we really enjoy, it is not work. A tune hums from within; a soft glow that is the essence of joy. Harmony with oneself.  Now that is something to tip my cup to!

The Green Witch Tarot

Monday, October 8, 2018


This deck reminds me of FALL.  Lots of the scenes in the cards are based in Autumnal settings.  Too bad it doesn't feel like Fall here.  Ninety degrees here today; Wednesday I think the weather will finally break.  A few weeks ago we had two teaser days of cooler weather and then back to heat.  Once around the corner, it will be a good time to open the house, let the cool breezes drift through and give a look see  to what does not serve a purpose and move it out of the house.  Letting go of objects and feelings will clear space in my home, heart, and mind.  And that is a good thing. 

The Green Witch Tarot

Sunday, October 7, 2018

A mile

I drew the Nine of Pentacles from the Green Witch Tarot and decided to compare it with the Rider Waite-Smith version.  Seemingly they are completely different, but yet, satisfaction, security, and appreciation of the life that one is living is apparent in both.  Sometimes I wonder of the roads not taken.  I can speculate but unless one walked the journey of the other we/I don't really know. 
Be happy in the moment, that is really all we have.

The Green Witch Tarot - Ann oura

Saturday, October 6, 2018

What's Next

What's Next?  What a great question.  I just heard it on t.v. 
What's Next?  Aspire to be more than you are now. Learn more, do more, experience more, try more, be more. 
At the top of your game? Learn a new game. 

The Goddess Tarot- Kris Waldherr

Friday, October 5, 2018

The Hanged Man

Perspective.  We do not have to sacrifice ourselves to get something in return.  Life is for living and there are good days and not so good days.  Hang around long enough and enjoy and experience both.

The interpretation of the Hanged Man did not inspire me or make any sense. 

The Goddess Tarot

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Six and Seven

Six and Seven, all good girls go to heaven. 
"Bad girls get to go everywhere else"- Mae West
Whatever the day brings I am going to stand my ground.  Call me misbehaved, fine by me.

The Goddess Tarot

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Who's that girl?

The last few weeks I have found myself lounging around; yesterday I laid down and woke up almost two hours later. What?  I never was one for naps.  I started taking them during my recovery, but that was years ago.  I think I am in my pre-retirement years and if so, I better find something more for me to do than two hour naps.  I often wonder why so many continue working after reaching retirement age? Some maybe cause financially they need too, some because they think the world will not go one without them, and some maybe cause they take too many naps. 
I no longer want to work that many hours, I might need to, but again I don't want to. Still after 45 years I wonder if not, I might find myself in a crisis of identity.

The Goddess Tarot

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Well it's down to last few months of 2018.  As I set and study this card I am thinking it is time to reflect on what has brought me to this moment, this day, this year.  Recognition of this time and place.  Gratitude for what I have and what I still may accomplish.  I am reading a trilogy of three women and their families and tribulations at the turn of the last century.  One of them is a peasant, poor, and papist.  It amazes me that in order to be godly you were supposed to be poor. I have been without and I have set in this garden of plenty and I will tell you having more is easier and not necessarily less godly.  Today I will appreciate my garden of plenty and acknowledge my blessings.

The Goddess Tarot

Monday, October 1, 2018

You don't say.

I am arriving at that place in life that authoritative men just don't get under my skin as much.  I have resisted and rejected people, most especially men who tell me what to do.  Mostly when I draw a king, I mentally determine that no one will tell me what to do that day.  This King of Swords with is idealistic though not realistic, opinion(s) will not hold sway for me.  And further more I am not going to let him annoy me.  He is who he is and though he thinks he knows what's best for others, he does not. Well at least not all the time.

The Goddess Tarot - Kris Waldherr

Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...