Tuesday, August 31, 2021



"Catch a falling star and put in your pocket, save it for a rainy day." ~ These lyrics from a song is what I heard when I drew this card this morning.  Glean: to gather, to collect, to learn.  I am never to old to learn something new.  

The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot

Monday, August 30, 2021



The struggle is real. Two cards in opposition. One who refuses to see and those that do. Bound to oneself and those open to others. Lost in confusion of thought and open and receptive to new possibilities. The Tarot presented two cards for me to give me a glimpse of where to begin my next journey.  First determine where I am and focus on where I want my journey to take me.  

The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot

Sunday, August 29, 2021

The best policy


Honesty, the best policy? Mostly I say yes.  There are those truths about ourselves that we need to examine from time to time.  What once was truth and worked for us, eventually modifies or changes as we adapt throughout our lives. I honestly need to look at myself and my habits to see where changes need to be made as I begin this healing journey.  I am at that juncture that tomorrow is not the time to start, or put off starting. Today, this minute is where change begins. This or That, my choice. 

The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Heal thyself


This card is usually my 'fear' card.  Today, not so much.  

This last week I left behind the deadlines and commitments and relaxed. This card reminds me those and other burdens are what is and soon to be, once were,  the wrecking influences in my life and health. Those fears are what have had be pinned down in a quagmire of pain and unease.  I may not completely shake the issues all at once, but I can work on them, one by one and begin my healing. 

Rider Waite-Smith Tarot

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The World


I saw this image of The World but do not know which deck it originates from to give credit.  I love this image of The World.  When the time comes that we realize that we are who we are and are okay with it.  I am feeling that way the last couple of days.  Away from deadlines and commitments, I have gotten back in touch with myself. Everyday I am reminding myself just how much that I have to be grateful for. I am so grateful to be grateful.  

Blessed Be.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021



Getting away from daily routines is a great way to decompress and help you find center.  Take time to make time.

Saturday, August 21, 2021



It has been many a year that I have set in a field of daisies pulling flower petals, speculating, "he loves me, he loves me not." Oh the glorious days of Youth, with many days of fanciful imaginings - oh what fun!  Can I cast off the weight of deadlines and commitments and just be?  Basking in a Sun warmed field of daisies. Joy!

Earth Wisdom Oracle ~ Artwork by Cristina Scagliotti  Oracle~ Barbara Moore

Friday, August 20, 2021

Heart Healing


Another reminder that healing begins with one's self and within.  

Yesterday I bought me a lovely bouquet of pink carnations. They are gorgeous and lift my spirits and Kitty likes to nibble on them, and carnations are safe for kitties.  I need to remind myself to buy flowers just because they lift my spirits and nurture my heart. A simple thing and so easily forgotten. Take care of one's self.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Heal thyself


For a better part of my life I have taken my body for granted and have not treated my body kindly over the years. As I grow older and experience more discomfort I have to ask myself how much is age related and how much the self-abuse has contributed?  Recently I have begun seeking relief from the white-coated tribe, with not much success. They of course will seek to prescribe even more medicines and then more to counter-act the side effects of those medicines. A slippery slope indeed.  That is not a path I wish to take and the grin and bear routine it is not working. Inward I must travel and begin my self-healing journey there.

Earth Wisdom Oracle

Wednesday, August 18, 2021



The other day I was side-swiped by a friend.  A comment and my response unsettling.  Lately her beliefs and opinions have run rough-shod over me.  Time to step away from another's hostility and seek those who share similar interests.

Earth Wisdom Oracle

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Beats per...


Sometimes when my mind goes a-racing, I check my pulse.  I love feeling my pulse. It reminds me of my beautiful wonderful heart, beating away, keeping me alive. When I feel my pulse beneath my fingers and it feels like my heart is racing, it reminds to take a few moments of deep breathing, to slow the race of my heart and mind. 

Take a moment, check in with your heart.

Earth Wisdom Oracle

Monday, August 16, 2021

By the ounce


No matter the choice made, there is always some kind of complication, a stick right in the middle of our path. Chaos is always at hand, how one chooses to react is a choice. 'Go with the  flow' sure, as long as you plan for contingencies. 

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Earth Wisdom Oracle - Cristina Scagliotti & Barbara Moore

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Unusual moves


Second day a Knight has made an appearance. The Knight of Pentacles yesterday and today's draw The Knight of Swords. The drawing of the two of them made me think of the knights on a chessboard. There are two knights on each playing field.  The knights have different moving tactics to help place in strategic places on the playing board. Sometimes they feign left then back, ahead two place with a side step of one. They are always one or two steps ahead of you. They plot and plan and then, action; they move on you.  Good advice, plan my strategy before implementing action.  

Spiritsong Tarot

Friday, August 13, 2021

1000 Miles


The journey of a 1000 miles begins with the first step. You can plot and plan but until you pick up your foot and lay it down into its first step you are not going anywhere. Ready, Set, Action.  Some journeys require the endurance of a Knight to complete. Still nothing gets done until something is started.

Spiritsong Tarot

Thursday, August 12, 2021

In the room


Go big or not at all.  Good advice for some situations. You gotta do what you gotta do, might as well go big!

Spiritsong Tarot

Wednesday, August 11, 2021



The appearance of another to be entrenched or impacted by fear and indecision may not be a moment of indecision but a moment of reflection and decision.  There are times we need the struggle to have a break-through; a pause of consideration.  The butterfly needs the struggle of metamorphosis to become - from the caterpillar. Learning to walk in our early life moves us from babies to toddlers. It doesn't happen in a day, but is a process of growth and development of strength and purpose. The struggle is real and yes at times, exactly what we need.

Spiritsong Tarot

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Flight of fancy


Expansion of Awareness. 

Focused thought. 

Does a eagle take flight knowing where she is going, or  does she rely on  the currents of air to take her where she needs to go?

Spiritsong Tarot

Monday, August 9, 2021

Tidal choices


First we need to decide what choices we have.  Sometimes there are other options than what are presented to us. Choices offered from another are based on a perspective not of our own.  Life is fluid and things change. Choices can be changed too. 

Spiritsong Tarot

Sunday, August 8, 2021



I recently read an article about our "broken world." Is it broken? I don't believe so. Sure we are experiencing unprecendented times, but broken?  If one looks at our penguin friend here, she looks adorable, yet her wings no longer help her take aloft. To fly like most of all winged creatures is she broken? NO.  Am I broken because my legs do not work as they once did? My gait is haphazard, limited, and challenged. I can still get around, some days either less or more than others. I remind myself of all the blessing of being able to walk, and do, and go places these last nine years, and hopefully many more years, I just waddle now, like my penguin friend here.  So many blessings, much to be grateful for. I just need to remind myself to remember. 

Spiritsong Tarot ~ Paulina Cassidy

Friday, August 6, 2021

Inaction for action


Yesterday's Knight of Earth (Pentacles) had me digging for information. Today's Ace of Earth suggests sitting in repose, hunkering down and waiting and watching. Aces suggest new energy and possible new beginnings. This baby fawn is a new beginning and though it has lots of energy there are times you sit and wait. Wait for the information to become clear. Wait for the energy to build, so as to begin. Wait for the right moment. Wait and no rushing forward till you know where you are headed. 

The Gaian Tarot

Thursday, August 5, 2021



Sometimes you just have to get 'out there' and find your own answers. Forget the Soothsayers and the Naysayers and dig out the truth for yourself. 

Gaian Tarot

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

That look


You know, that she knows, that you know, that what you are saying, thinking, and doing is not on the up and up.  There can be so much said with 'a look.'  With the Queen of Swords don't even try a song and dance routine with her. She has seen it and heard it all before. In fact most of what you think you are getting away with she has already experienced  herself. 

Just get to the point. 

Gaian Tarot

Tuesday, August 3, 2021



A Yogi or The Pope, teachers can appear in many different garbs. Different philosophies, listen or not, it is our choice.   "To thine own self be true."

The Gaian Tarot

Monday, August 2, 2021

Star light, Star bright


The Star card is my favorite card of the Tarot. The light of inspiration and hope usually lifting my spirit.  Not so much today. The Star feels flat with out depth or promise. The card is not different so the lack of depth is within me.  This Summer I have not spent really any time under the twinkling stars. I need to spend a few hours the next couple evenings 'star gazing' and hopefully accumulate some star dust in my eyes.  "Maybe catch a falling star and put in my pocket."

The Gaian Tarot

Sunday, August 1, 2021



A possible lucky draw for the start of a new month.  I like months that begin on Sunday, something symmetrical about a new month starting at the beginning of a new week. 

When I first looked at this card this morning it made me think on a little girl who has decided to run away from home.  Most children somewhere in there childhood think about doing just that, not getting farther than the end of the driveway or out of their neighborhood. Upon deciding to run-away they pack only the essentials, maybe cookies and their favorite toy, or a book read to them at the end of the day and of course their family pet that really understands them more than anyone.  Makes me ask myself, what really is essential for me embarking on this new month?

The Gaian Tarot Joanna Powell-Colbert

Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...