Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Pony Up

Get there if you can.

I am absolutely sure there are faster modes of travel than a Giant Panda, but what fun.  Okay it is only a bit of whimsy, if one was ever caught riding one, every animal rights group would cry out in righteous indignation, besides that fact that I don't think the Panda would allow it.  The Eight of Fire(Wands) is about movement or a message arriving.  Maybe travel.  For today I will look for a message from some unusual delivery mode.
Do you see what I see?
Do you hear what I hear?

The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


What is going on here?

I drew the Four of Cups again this morning, so I guess she had more to say to me.  I replaced the card back in the deck and reshuffled and searched for her and her companion card to clarify.  From discontent to craftiness; I can see it. Sometimes to dig us out of place of dissatisfaction we may resort to trickery to make us feel better.  This Seven of Air(Swords) is too soft to convey the sense of underhandedness.  Still the angel is wearing a mask, so we really don't who she is and what she is up to.  Maybe she is appearing demure to catch a goose for dinner?
I noticed that Baron-Reid places masks on a fair share of cards in this deck. A lot us wear different masks when we are out in the day to day mix of things.
For today I need to keep my head up and be aware of some possible misrepresentation on another's part.

Monday, January 29, 2018

No Thanks

No, I am not interested.

In the last couple of weeks I have mentioned to others that have been going through some hardships, that sometimes it is just your turn. Stuff happens. It floats along and lands on you and until it moves along and sticks to another, you endure.  They want someone to take their misery and dissatisfaction so they can feel better, pffft.  "Keep it I say"
Their are those that relish in their misery, others that shake it off quickly, and their are those that want you to take care of it for them or join them in their pity party.  I have taken part in each of the above scenarios, and thankfully now I just shake it off as soon as possible and move on.  If someone comes along today and wants to share their story I will listen and not be drawn in.

The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid

Sunday, January 28, 2018


Why ask why?

It appears that this fallen angel chose earthly goodies over the etheral life.  She doesn't appear to be wicked or rebellious, just curious about a different lifestyle.  Does that make it wrong?   I think we get many choices in many lives to figure it all out.  Which makes me think of the saying "the devil is in the details."  Life is what we make of it, whether there is one or many.  Doesn't make us wicked when we are different.
Chocolate is my Temptation.
These days of winter make me tempted to pack it all in and move South.

The Good Tarot - Colette Baron-Reid

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Take a second look

Queen of Shells (Cups)

Lovely queen.  Since I am not at the seashore I wonder if I will meet her disguised in human form today.  A selkie, come to tell me her secrets.  She would tell me to trust my feelings and listen to my intuition.  'When the time is right, I will know.'

SPIRITSONG Tarot - Paulina Cassidy

Friday, January 26, 2018


Birds of a feather, stick together

It is true, we are more comfortable when we are with those that are similar to ourselves.  The typical Four of Cups portrays someone under a tree taking a break from the world around her.  She works in a world where everyone is at odds with her, so challenging and exhausting. That is one of the reasons I retreat to the sea for a recharge.  All those clients and agents, working from their own agenda is challenging and exhausting. Hopefully Crane will bring me wisdom and insight today.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Move along

Starfish and sea shells, jewels of the sea.

It saddens me when I go to the seashore and see people scoop up the starfish and sand dollars for prizes to take home.  They are living beings that will be no more, once taken from the sea.  I used to collect shells at the shore always checking that it did not have an inhabitant.  Now I don't, mostly because there are not many to collect.  Either too many have been taken from the shore or sea or the waster is so toxic that they no longer flourish.
With the Eight of Cups we journey on; hopefully by choice.

SPIRITSONG Tarot - Paulina Cassidy

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Six of Feathers, traditional card, Six of Swords

From birth to death we are always on the move, from here to there. Change and transition are part of life.  I am Carolyn, but not the Carolyn that became Sixty-one years ago, nor will I be the same tomorrow as I am today.  What do we give or give up along the way?

On another note, I love dragonflies. Skipping around from here to there in late summer.  No matter what I am doing I will stop and take the time to admire them.  On these cold, colorless days of winter, this dragonfly reminds me that Spring always follows Winter and soon I will see the dragonflies of Summer.

SPIRITSONG Tarot - Paulina Cassidy

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Be the Change

Optimism Innovation - the opposite

Be the Change.
Kick up your heels.
Lead Follow or get out of the way.
Someone has to be in charge.  If it is your own life, it damn well should be yourself.  I am in a rut and this King advises to do something.  If the goal seems to far away I need to figure out what bit of something will start me on my way.
The authors reversed card meaning, strikes a cord today:  "If you feel like you are wasting time, focus your energy on something that is more meaningful to you. It's okay to change your mind if a situation is influencing you negatively." 

SPIRITSONG Tarot - Paulina Cassidy

Monday, January 22, 2018


Patience is a virtue

Seven of Crystals (Pentacles). 
Sometimes we can be so focused on results we forget to enjoy the moment.  And heaven forbid the results were not what we were expecting.  Still there is something to be said for a job well done, regardless of the outcome.

SPIRITSONG Tarot - Paulina Cassidy

Sunday, January 21, 2018


The Traveller

What a lovely place to start with a new deck, The Fool, or in this authors take, The Traveller,  Keywords Adventure-Potential. It is always an adventure to open a new deck and see what and how it speaks to you.  Enchanting colored pencil artwork, gives each card a soft fuzzy feeling. In this deck only animals are featured on each of the 78 cards, and the pips also have the counted symbols for each suit.  The cards are lovely, too soft to be used as Tarot in my opinion, but to each their own. After going through the deck the other day, I thought they would all be lovely as individual gift cards to be included in my mailings to friends, family and different acquaintances.
Does a leaping gazelle remind me of The Fool beginning on a new adventure?  Maybe maybe not, though they both are taking a leap.

SPIRITSONG Tarot - Paulina Cassidy

Saturday, January 20, 2018


Deep in four territory

I drew a pair of fours today; holding tight to each other they presented themselves.  There is a lot of contrast in these two cards, and yesterday the fourth major, the Emperor was the draw.  I remember Sharyn drawing fours just recently and I wonder what all the fours are about.  Something to think on.
Are we in the roaring teens similar to the roaring twenties a century ago, and collapse is imminent?

The Goddess Tarot

Friday, January 19, 2018

Power Up - Power on

Traditional card would be the Emperor

Not your traditional Emperor.  Freyja is out on her her tour of what she reigns over.  Power is what you make of it.  You can boss others and get things done, or as a leader you can get out and lead by example. 
Lead, follow, or get out of the way. 
Today, given a choice, I will make my own.

The Goddess Tarot

Thursday, January 18, 2018

On gossamer wings

Song sung blue, everybody knows one.

This Queen of Cups has traveled to the sea to watch the Full Moon's rays dance upon the waves.  Enchantment; as a Queen of Cups she is at one with the sea.  She has returned to the shore for solitude and solace.  There is comfort in the lullaby of the waves.  She listens to the sound of eternity as she holds a shell to her ear and  will take it with her as a reminder of the song of the sea.  I too go to the shore to find comfort and healing.  These long cold days of winter reminds me my feet were meant to walk in sand, not pound the pavement in boots. Time to plan a vacation.

The Goddess Tarot

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

This or That

Juggling Act

The Two of Pentacles is always a pretty straightforward card.  Juggling two things at a time, or maybe two choices to consider.  My mind started to wander just now and maybe this princess is a selkie.  The time has come for her to choose to stay on dry land or return to the sea in the background.
Today I may be faced with choice, each with benefits and drawbacks, and the advice this card offers is to weigh both options before choosing.

The Goddess Tarot

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Its okay to be okay with yourself,

The Queen of Pentacles, my chosen significator. Whenever she makes an appearance I know that something significant usually happens on those days.  Outwardly seemingly confident and secure, those still waters run pretty deep.  Reflecting on yesterdays post of the underlining program we received in childhood, I like money, always have.  Even as a young girl I worked so I could make money. Paper routes, babysitting, corn-detasseling, then finally Sixteen and I could work real jobs.  And there were the naysayers saying wealth and abundance, were and are a sign of greed, one of the seven deadly sins.  So my relationship with money has been tumultuous.
My affirmation today: "I have a great relationship with money, it loves me and fills my pockets." -quoted from my Hay House calendar.    So today I am putting coins in both of my pockets and jingle-jangle them all day.

The Goddess Tarot

Monday, January 15, 2018


Remember where you came from

I am who I am in part from the things I have learnt from my parents and family.  Those early days are the foundational  footprint of who I am, and that is part of the struggle.  My parents way of life was based on their parent, based on their parents and so on back.  A part of my operating system is obsolete.  I have spent the better part of my life time trying to over-write their programming.
Tradition, some good and some not so good and the not so good needs to be replaced with updated versions.

The Goddess Tarot

Sunday, January 14, 2018


As the World turns

I needed this card today as a reminder that the World turns.  Everything that has a beginning has an ending.  I noticed the images of Winter and Spring at the top and bottom of the World.  Here we are in the deep freeze.  Two weeks of below freezing weather, some ice and snow, and now it seems we are heading for a few days of sub freezing temps and wind chill below zero. Thankfully Spring always follows Winter and Winter's grip will soon lose it's hold.
"This too shall pass." 

The Goddess Tarot - Kris Waldherr

Saturday, January 13, 2018


Lets take it out for a test drive

Yesterday the Queen of Staves(wands) was deeply focused on her wand at hand, today she has taken it out into the world.  An ah-hah moment needs to be shared, even if it is with pen and paper for us to remember it down the line.  Like some dreams, so vivid and poignant that we are sure we will remember, then upon waking later in the morning those wisps of images are dissipated not to be remembered.

The Goddess Tarot

Friday, January 12, 2018


The Eyes have it

It is curious to me that this queen, Queen of Wands, with all her energy and outgoing nature, does not look straight out at me.  I went through the deck and only the Page of Cups of the Court cards looks straight out at us.  There are just a few Majors with a direct gaze as well.   In sales I always look directly at  the people I am spending time with and it has become habit with most everyone in my day to day.   I guess she has become so fascinated with her wand in hand, that everything else fades to the background.   For advice today I am thinking - don't get to caught up in myself and forget what is going on around me.

The Goddess Tarot

Thursday, January 11, 2018


No Choice is a choice.

When given a choice and neither feels right, I take the third option and just walk away.  Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda... Hindsight is usually 20/20.

The Goddess Tarot

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Something in yellow

Fruits of one's labor

In yesterday's card it was practice, practice, practice, and once perfected it is absolutely okay to enjoy and celebrate the fruits of one's labor. This King sits comfortably with his coin knowing he worked for it; he won't let others take that from him.
On a side note, I do not like men that think it is okay to go everywhere without a shirt on, especially to the dinner table.  Yuck.  At home (not at the dinner table) or at the beach is one thing, but otherwise put on a t-shirt .  I guess this king's Queen told him to at least don a toga.  Still in today's world any kind of garb goes, and there seems to be much less fabric on just about everyone.  Not very kingly or queenly of them.

The Goddess Tarot

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Time well spent

Practice Practice Practice

There are days when I pull a card from one of the decks that all kinds of magic, myth, and or mayhem may present themselves.  People, places, situations that intrigue and fascinate.  Then there are days that nothing much seems to be happening and others when you don't even want to make a draw.  What I do know is, that with practice and consistent time spent with my cards and continued reading of others blogs and books on Tarot and Oracles I have come to a better understanding of the Art and realize that there is still more to learn.  As with any craftsman practice makes perfect.

The Goddess Tarot

Monday, January 8, 2018


Here comes the Sun

What is not to love about drawing The Sun card.  Bright and cherry is the order of the day. 
I noticed in the last week or so that the tilt of The Sun is changing, especially noticeable in morning and evening when the pitch is just enough to a make driving a challenge.  Yay!

I was glancing over a few books and Janina Renee in her book TAROT YOUR EVERYDAY GUIDE, suggests that you might look at your astrological Sun Sign and see what attributes we might reclaim to unlock sources of energy and happiness.  So happens that I was born in the sign of Capricorn that is where the Sun is placed currently in Astrology.  So I think I will read up on some of my Sun Sign

The Goddess Tarot - Kris Waldherr

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Who are you; who who, who who

To thine ownself be true...

I don't often draw The Lovers or in this case Love.  I think Love was originally the name for this card and possibly more suited.  When I bought this deck I was enchanted with this card and The Star card and kept both out on my altar for long periods of time.  Something about this woman that speaks to self sufficiency and being okay with oneself.  I especially was taken with the puppy as her companion.
Many people look at this card and rush to thinking of finding true love but I think that is more the Two of Cups.  Following the Emperor and the Hierophant and their harsh disciplines I think Love and Lovers is more of healing and recognizing we are okay with who and what we are. Finding our place without the direction and control of others.   More of Self-Love.

The Goddess Tarot - Kris Waldherr

Saturday, January 6, 2018


Ah I miss my mermaid sisters

A year ago today I was flying back from Florida.  This card reminds me of my mermaid friends of ocean deep.  I had a couple of friends move to Florida, way down the coast and they called yesterday to let me know they were having dinner outside at a local pub and telling me to get on jet a come visit.  After this two week blast of Old Man Winter who wouldn't want to be in the warm sunshine. 
I wonder what it would take for me to become my mermaid self?

Magic & Myth - Sue Lion

Friday, January 5, 2018


The deep pause

Have you ever experienced that moment of a deep pause.  Something significant is about to happen.  Even the Universe seems to still for a brief instant.

"The deep breath before the plunge." Gandalf
The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King

Eartheart Wisdom - Sue Lion

Thursday, January 4, 2018


Above and Below

"So, here's the question: Is the fresh, new sprout seeking the energy from the damp, fertile earth and then releasing its gift to the universe? Or is the tender, hopeful plant absorbing the power of the universe in order to give back to the earth? " -quoted from back of card by author
Those are good questions.  What may seem obvious may be entirely something else.
Giving and taking
Coming and going
Above and Below
This and that
Ending and beginning

Magic & Myth - Sue Lion

Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Do you see what I see?

I often wonder how people view me; I wonder what do they see?  In the mirror I see one Carolyn and in my mind's eye I see another.  I often get a bit of a shock when I see the sixty something me, because mentally I still view myself as forty-something.  I know my body has aged but a lot of mind is still much younger.  As the years roll on I have to remember more and more not to become what others project on to me.
So my legs won't manage a marathon; the fact is I never ran one when I was younger.  Curious, I think of things I can no longer do and then the younger mental me has a laugh when I tell myself, well you never did those things anyway. 
"I will not eat green eggs and ham, I do not like them, Sam-I-Am.

Magic & Myth - Sue Lion

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Winter's chill

This card feels like The Chariot. The Chinese Goddess, Kuan Yin out spreading peace and goodwill on her daily rounds.
I will try to remember that during this cold blast that we are experiencing.  With the current temperature at 1° most people will be keeping their heads down, out of the cold wind.  They may not realized that they just cut me off or stepped on my toes.  They are heading directly to the next warm place.
For today, I will try to give everyone a benefit of a doubt.

Magic & Myth - Sue Lion

Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...