Friday, April 30, 2021



A sword of transparency. 

Sword - Words. This anagram clues us in on a sword of transparency. Words can cut us deep with their hurtfulness. We can't see them but we sure can feel the wound that can be inflicted. Sometimes we really have to choose our words/sword carefully. Think before speaking would be the advice I am receiving today. Good advice for any day.

The Fountain Tarot

Thursday, April 29, 2021

More, more, more, well not necessarily


Oh goody, The Sun. My emotional thermostat lifts when the draw is the Sun. Promises of a happy day where everything goes my way.  Those promises of wonder and joy, happiness and delight when the Sun lights my day. Maybe I should start a deck of just Suns, and give myself sunny days everyday. Life would be so much easier knowing that everyday is a day of happiness and joy. Yeah, no. We have to turn the light switch off at night to get some sleep. Too much Sun and we can end of up Sunstruck or Sunburnt.  Best to enjoy my sunny day and let tomorrow take care of tomorrow.

The Fountain Tarot

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Inaction choice


This Knight of Cups appears to be awash in a fountain of water, memories.  There are days when remembering can burden us into inaction. The flood gates of emotion overwhelm us and leads to apathy. Sometimes that is for the best. Doing nothing can be the answer we need at the moment. Distracted by the outpouring of feelings can hinder and distract us. Best to just sit and take a pause and let them wash through us. Clouds always clear after a rainy day. 

The Fountain Tarot

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Stand apart


Detachment. To stand apart. It can be challenging to spend time with oneself.  The shadows within the gyri and sulci, the folds and grooves of  our brain are those crevices where memories are stored. Can we objectively review? Some are pleasurable, some are not. Each will have an emotion attached to it that can affect the examination.  

Pluto goes retrograde today for six months. A good time for looking at those secrets and shadows. Hermit time.

The Fountain Tarot

Monday, April 26, 2021

Mind over Matter


Separating thought from feeling, can that be done? We are such interconnected beings. Reason vs Feeling? My energy is a bit unsettled today and I think the King of Swords is at hand to remind me that I am a mix of both thought and heart. 

The Fountain Tarot

Jonathan Saiz, Jason Gruhl, Andi Todaro

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Here to there


There are times that we need to pause and ask ourselves probing questions and seek our own truth.  Am I making progress on my path forward or really in a feedback loop?  Round and round it goes.  Your know where it stops? It stops when you get dizzy and fall of your horse. Ouch! A fall or fail could be exactly the jolt needed. 

The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot

Monday, April 19, 2021

Only a moment


It only takes a moment for a life to change.  No fan-faire required. Sure Big-Bang and Tower moments are life altering, but so is a whisper or a moment of doubt or second-guessing. What to do, take a break, gather oneself, and go on.

Rider Waite-Smith Tarot

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Too much of a good thing


Outpouring or Overflow? Either Or can swamp us.  We can get caught up in the high-tides of emotions and get our feet knocked out from under us.

Rider Waite-Smith Tarot

Saturday, April 17, 2021


'The more things change, the more they stay the same.' Many things remain consistent even as change happens. The many things we are or do are learned early on in life. Some of those ideas, habits, intentions are good and some not so much. We each will add to the generational stories as they pass on down.  Good, bad, or indifferent with each telling we must hold onto the magic of Life. The wonder of the World around us. The gifts received. Leaning on the left side of the arched entry is a 'Magic Wand' reminding us we are gifted with so much, if only we will see.

The Rider  Waite-Smith Tarot


Friday, April 16, 2021

Simple really


It's a good day to have a good day. Everyday has something to celebrate, somedays we have to remind ourselves. Just go outside, throw your arms in the air, and say thank you. Gratitude is the Abracadabra. Use your arms as magic wands and shout, YES! Thank you!

Rider Waite-Smith Tarot

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Social Distance


A few years ago I think Google Analytics predicted that approximately Forty-Five percent of the workforce in America would be working from home in twenty or so years. The pandemic accelerated that time-line. Many now have found the balance of work and home, in the same place.  I wonder what the long-term results of that will be? Hopefully for the better, but I wonder if there will a division in those that commute and those that don't.  Social distance. Humans are a social lot, maybe we will begin to interact with our neighbors more. More backyard cookouts, games of frisbee, hide-and-go-seek. Yeah, I like the thought of that.

The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot

Wednesday, April 14, 2021



Who do we think we are fooling when we engage in trickery? We get away with nothing.  Our own higher-self, the we of we, our silent-witness, sees and knows.  The transgression weighs on us, it is scratched on the background continual recorder that plays memories; that loop that has been recording since we gasped our first breath. In the quiet moments we replay those - would of, should of, could of.  We wonder, when we lost our way, lost our wallet, lost a friend, if indeed it was a balancing moment. Things have a way of catching up with us. Best bet, just do the right thing and then you don't have to wonder or look over our shoulder for whatever we think is going to catch us. We caught our own-self and that is who we really answer to.

Rider Waite-Smith Tarot

Tuesday, April 13, 2021



Assumptions are boring. Thinking we already know what the day will bring; day in day out routine.  We can be our own worse enemy. No fun if we allow Life to become predictable. Missed opportunities if we think we already know.  We know what we know, or do we? If we assume, than we lose the fun of discovery?

Rider Waite-Smith Tarot

Monday, April 12, 2021

Straight through the heart


Pandemic response. The fear that now shrouds most of us.  What's next? How much more burden can we shoulder?  The loss of so many dear ones. Pain and sorrow, part and parcel of Life. 

Rider Waite-Smith Tarot

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Give 'n take


Givers and takers, sometimes we are the receiver and sometimes the benefactress.  Keeping ourselves open to exchange.  There is a note of caution to what we will accept. What is offered is not necessarily a good thing for us, not always.

Rider Waite-Smith Tarot

Friday, April 9, 2021

There is always something


I am so glad that Winter is behind me, at least for this part of the year. November and December later, but that's later.  Time to shake of the last dregs of chill and enjoy the Spring. I say that but remember not too many years ago we had a big snow squall in late April and snow showers in early May. The snow of those events didn't last but 'Ole Man Winter does not like to let go sometimes. The Cave needs some Spring cleaning so off to matters that need done.  

Thursday, April 8, 2021



Shadowfax, Lord of the Horses and Gandalf's friend.  I went in search of some information on Shadowfax via the www and got lost in the stories.  There are so many backstories to J.R.R. Tolkien's stories of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, that you can get lost in the labryrinths of the tales. So surely that you would need Shadowfax to assist you on your way through. There are lifetimes and eons in his amazing stories or recountenance of a time before ours.

If I get lost today, I will seek assistance. It is the best way.

The Druid Animal Oracle

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Just for today


What a wonderful life; knowing where you belong and thriving in the comfort in what sustains you is available. Doesn't last, but wonderful when we are in the midst of the bubble of wonder. Tomorrow is not promised, so enjoy the day.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Birds of a feather


I was out early this morning and viewed the Crescent Moon up just above the eastern horizon, and following not to far behind Saturn and Jupiter. Lovely to see just before The Sun announced the new day.  Amazing to get a glimpse when you think that the Moon is approximately 252,000,000 miles from Earth then you have to travel another 300,000,000 miles beyond the Moon to get to Jupiter, and another 440,000,000 to reach Saturn. How big and beautiful they are from such a distance and how lucky I am to get the opportunity to catch a glimpse. There is more to Heaven and Earth....

The Druid Animal Oracle

Monday, April 5, 2021



My feathered friend here reminds me to be skeptical of a new plan or offering today. Attracted to bright and shiny things does not necessarily mean a prosperous opportunity. A golden coin and a shiny hook both glean in the sunlight.  Best to take a perch and observe before deciding.

The Druid Animal Oracle

Sunday, April 4, 2021



There are signs of the return of Spring. On a drive yesterday I appreciated the beginning of the greening of the local world. Trees buddings, daffodils dotting the landscape, and dogwoods decorating the highways.  Lovely. The pandemic made things go sideways, but Nature has her ways of reminding us that Life continues. 

The Druid Animal Oracle ~ Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm

Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Wheel


This is my new go-to Wheel.  The Astro Wheel. There is so much to learn and interpret, that it is a bit over-whelming. My latest discovery is House Systems, over a half of dozen now in use. So many ways to look at the sky above, eye-view, binoculars, telescopes. The Sky is eternal; shifting and drifting over the eons, so the stories that can be told are varying and always interesting. One can get lost on this Wheel of Adventure and I often wonder what my counter-part of 3000 years ago saw when she looked up at the night sky? Mostly the same sky, that is if I can get to a place of deep darkness, no light pollution; to she what she saw.

Friday, April 2, 2021



My brother Mike would have celebrated a birthday today. Gone to soon or did he leave the Planet when he was ready? He loved being outdoors, gardener by trade and hunter for both food and hobby.  I think the Great Outdoors helped fill up spaces in him.  My brother, A Page I think of, often.

Thursday, April 1, 2021



Mental disorder or Wishful thinking?

I sure there is a line that can be stepped over taking one from one domain to the other. 

The Sacred Circle Tarot

Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...