Saturday, May 16, 2020

Pick up sticks.

Does there come a time when we don't always have to be or need to be at the ready?  When we can let go of the fears and burdens of past mistakes.  A clean slate?  I woke this morning counting some of my wrong doings throughout my life.  Now why would I wake up thinking these things unless my mind had nothing better to do during the night?  Turmoil can do that to one's mind.
Everything seems nice and tidy. But at what cost?  My head hurts.


  1. I can't change the past, but I can be mindful of my words and actions now. Of course this is easier to type than do... :D

    1. Some days I wish I could change past mistakes; then I remember, the yesterdays make me who I am now. I am okay with myself these days.

  2. 9 of Wands is the productive integration of energy. Not sitting on our laurels, or beating ourselves up. But that Mad Mind Monkey...

    1. There are mornings I wake wondrous of the world and my life. This morning was not. Guess there is balance.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...