Friday, May 22, 2020


As darkness falls... After two days of bright sunny cards, night has fallen.  We must have contrasts that can bring perspective in our lives.  Light and Dark
Yes and No
Good and Bad
On and Off
To Be or Not to Be
Nothing in a Sweat Lodge but hot stones and person(s).  Clear away the clutter and sit in open space.
Too much and sweet nothingness. 


  1. Time for a deep look and listen within.

  2. I was part of a women's group based on Native American practices. Never will do a sweat lodge again :) I hate being hot. And sweaty. Shudders. I'm sure my mind wasn't 'right'

    1. I have never wanted to participate in a sweat out. The Summers in the Ohio Valley is enough for me with days in the high 90's and 100% humidity.

    2. Sounds like living in South Georgia... :D


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...