Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Ker plunk

I read an article over weekend asking the reader to clarify and work on the difference between Attention and Intention. This picture actually works for me thinking about the two.  My intention daily when getting out of bed is to do this n that and have a good day, most often it doesn't quite go as planned.  Then I have to pay attention to my reaction to unscheduled events.  Like this pebble thrown into the lake.  We watch with fascination as the ripples spread across the water, that is all good and lovely.  It is when others are also at the water's edge throwing their pebbles in and then all of our waves interact and the ripple effect changes. That's when I/we have to pay attention to our authentic self still at the water's edge. We are not what happens in the big pond of Life, we are the Observer.  The author gives us 'Mindfulness' for this card and I think that is exactly what we need to remind ourselves throughout our rippling day.

Elements of Recovery - Beverly King


  1. we are not what happens... words for thought today

  2. "My reaction to unscheduled events" - can tell me a lot about myself when I'm paying attention.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...