Friday, March 15, 2019


In the moment.  Can't seem to find that moment.  I have gotten better about not spending so much of my time in possible futures or revisiting yesterdays; still find myself so many other places than here.  Right here.  Even writing this post part of my mind is thinking about work at office, and my bathroom project, do I pack a lunch, my appointment tomorrow, and what the heck is the cat up to now?  Everything it seems has my attention than looking at this otter floating on her back.  I am sure she is not wondering what is for lunch, where are the other otters, is that boat out there getting too close. I am sure she is in her moment soaking up the sun.


  1. well said, part of what the three of us work toward I think. Will we recognize it as nirvana when we get there, or will we think we have the most boring mind on the planet, miss the clutter? The clutter is part of what proves we are alive. teeter totter flip flop round and round.

  2. teeter totter, flip flop, round and round, this way and that. We'll go-round in circles.....

  3. Just trying to float with the current today.😊


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...