Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Razz m'tazz


This Keeper  of Spells is traditionally the King of Wands.  He is a bit young to take on the role of advisor and leader, but hey we all got to start somewhere.  This young, inexperienced king wants to impress with his showmanship, that which diverts our attention from the inexperience. Well, we all have to start somewhere, sometime, and sometimes a bit of thrill and awe and razz m'tazz is exactly what is needed.

For today I will take any advice with a pound of salt, the salt to put out the fire.

The Enchanted Forest Tarot


  1. Has this King circled back to Fool? All ideas no wisdom?
    Hopefully he won't take his citizens down with him!

    1. I am not one of those to blindly follow. Mostly I shake my head and walk away


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...