Saturday, December 14, 2019


I wonder what this boyo has to deliver or say to me.  Greetings and salutation, probably not.  I am not sure how many more messages are that important to me.  Everyone around me has seemingly centered into themselves, not even available for that hypothesized one minute.  Most conversations are monologues as the other' tunes into their own internal dialogue within a minute or so.  Watch for it, the drift in the eyes. 
So say what you have to say quickly before the rest drifts off in the breeze.

Rider Waite-Smith Tarot


  1. one of the main reasons I bought a computer in 1996 was I discovered there were quilters online where we could talk. I was in heaven. Old people going on and on about how great the gold old days were is a 'get over it' thing, but gosh the conversations we used to's social media. Phooey. no conversations whatsoever, monologues with an image of their lunch. Today is the only good old days there are, but gosh, a good conversation would go down well. Too bad I have such an aversion to the phone, mine is in the drawer dead. Does anyone even pick up in these days of robocalls?

    1. I got one yesterday that really tickled me. I was being warned that my ATT cell phone account had been deacitvated. Really! How did I get the call? Silly

  2. To find someone who can listen as well as they can speak is truly a treasure. :)
    LOL about your phone account call!


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...