Monday, December 30, 2019

Give it up

It is funny how the cards can show us something that can be so relative.  The gal in this pose with legs bent and tucked behind her. Ouch.  My knees and legs are more bothersome lately. Something I have known for quite awhile, finally has me saying enough.  I viewed a home late yesterday afternoon in the pouring rain. They are long term customers, and know my situation.  A home they are going to rehab and they wanted my thoughts, opinion, and suggestions.  There were no handrails on the up or down staircases.  I can't do stairs much anymore and with no handrails, almost impossible. I managed the upper case but the lower one I couldn't do it.  I had to crawl up part of the staircase, my hands out in front on steps to balance me on my way up.  I think this is too much even for the most loyal client who was on hand to give me a hand.  Tens relate to completion, I am pretty much completely done showing homes. :( or maybe 🙂. 


  1. I want to give a hug to that little girl in the card and to you!

    1. Thanks. The Universe has been telling to move on, so now I have too.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...