Saturday, March 30, 2019

In the flow

When working with emotions, we need to connect to the water within.  The Queen of Cups knows about ebb and flow.  We ebb and flow.  The water in our bloodstream and lymph system, the moisture in our lungs, the tears that we shed, our bodies are in movement.
I guess I better start drinking more water.  I notice I feel better when I drink mostly water.  Ahh I do like my diet pepsi. 
It is going to rain all day, weather I am sure the Queen of Cups would enjoy

Friday, March 29, 2019


Mercury went direct yesterday, Yay! I do give credence to a good bit of Astrology's edicts.  Mercury retrograde is one of them.  Though planets never spin backwards, the illusion can be convincing.  If we hear and think we see it, whatever it is, it becomes part of our consciousness.  Things have been a bit out of kilter for me so I am thinking the direct movement and Spring's return is something worth celebrating.  Persephone's return.  Let the Spring dance begin.  Now let me find my party hat.

The Linestrider's Tarot

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Star of light

Star of Wonder, Star of Light.
I had not noticed before, that this Star woman is metamorphosing into a mermaid.  Her lower legs are wispy fins. What are we missing when we really don't see?
Maybe a better description would be "Changeling"
I can be or am the change that I want and need.

The Linestrider's Tarot

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Hand it to you

Hands, what a wonderful blessing.  They can do so much.
This Queen's hands have done more than been kept folded in her lap or giving us the gentle cupped wave of royals.  She has worked hard with her hands, doing what needs done.  Hands really can tell a story about the individual they are attached to. 
Hand delivered
Hand to mouth
Hand over fist
Clever things, hands.

The Linestrider's Tarot

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Relection sparks memories

I drew the World again today and since she is looking back I thought I would draw the next card on the deck. Look how the two gaze at each other. Yesterday's World draw had me thinking of a childhood issue and today looking back to see that there were also simple times behind me and some of them full of chasing bunnies to wonderland.  The Rabbit in the Two of Wands has the World with her.  This paring deserves more study.  Maybe I will pull similar cards from other decks for comparison.

The Linestrider's Tarot

Monday, March 25, 2019

Post it notes

It has been a little over sixty-one years since I have experienced this carefree freedom from constraint.  As a baby, just a yearling running naked through the house.  There was a moment that I was shamed at just about the age of one and I have held that something something with me since then.  It eases as I age and when I decide to leave the planet I will leave it behind, better yet, let it fall to ashes as I go, so that another will not pick it up.  We are the World and we too pick up bits of this and that  which cling to us during our journey.  As I work to par down stuff in my house I am also working on paring down the sticky ickies that are attached to me.

The Linestrider's Tarot

Sunday, March 24, 2019


The Nine of Pentacles draw today feels like a reversed draw.
Why do self-important people both me?  They bother me or do they mirror something within myself?  Why not just ignore them and be on my way.  I understand that it is mostly a self-esteem issue on their part.  We each have to find our way, so if they need a little more attention, than okay.  Still, something something.

The Linestrider's Tarot - Siolo Thompson

Saturday, March 23, 2019


From the the Nine of Wands yesterday to the Ten of Wands today.  This morning I have a bit of a head-cold, but not.  My stress is expressing itself with cold symptoms, mostly to get my attention. Brings me back to an earlier post of attention vs intention.  My intention is try to let go, release some my fears, but my attention seems to be focused on the how of it.  Adding stress, which becomes more fear and now my nose and eyes are leaking.  Letting go should not be so difficult.  That's the crutch of the matter. Letting go of things that define you can be scary, more fear.  Shedding the drama might make us face what lies beneath. 
Ahh the heck with it.  I am just going to go sit in the Sun.

Fairy Tarot -Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Friday, March 22, 2019


Drawing this card reminded me of time back when I was twenty-two, a waitress and doing really well with my income. All of the serving staff was; life was good and I/we were having fun.  The Manager one evening pulled the staff aside and cautioned us that times ahead were going to be tough and we needed to start saving and planning for that which might be forthcoming. We lived day to day and he was living in the future. When I quit living in the here and now and started worrying about the tomorrows, life changed.  I still hold that posture, though not as rigidly.
This morning I had a curious dream about twins named Hope and Love, they are the Light of the World. But to protect themselves from would be destroyers of hope and love they learned to defend themselves, thus their shadow-sides of Anger and Fear came into existence.
Something to ponder on, on this Nine of Wands day.

Fairy Tarot

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Observation point

Sometimes we all need to step away from our day to day live to gain a little perspective.  I feel like I am in a bit of a rut.  Just a few months doing inside sales feels is beginning to be repetitive and a bit monotonous.  This morning I am getting ready to head to a continuing education class and wondering just how many more do I plan on doing before hanging the license?
If I step away and see my work a day life, another would say I have it made.  Don't have to clock in, with the flexible somewhat self-assigned schedule I have.  What's the gripe?  Maybe none, just need to step away from it all for a bit to look at things from a different observation point.

Fairy Tarot

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

At last

Coincidental or Fortuitous?  Both.  What a spot on card to draw today, Spring makes her debut at 5:58 this afternoon.  Renewal, yes.  I have become winter weary and nothing but extended days of warmth and sunshine will lift the heaviness of winter that has seeped into my very being.  I plan to spend lots of days soaking up my 15-20 minutes daily of sunshine.
Good day to make my "Spring" cleaning and to do list. 

The Fairy Tarot

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


Drew the gal on her pony again this morning followed by Temperance.  The three living beings, are all facing left and the etheral angel looking straight out at me. I don't think I am stuck in yesterdays but...last Thursday there were high winds and tornado warnings and so many asked me how I managed.  Their good intentions leave me bleeding and regretful thinking about what happened and what has been lost along the way.  I guess Temperance suggests I pour the wounding in a vessel and think about what has been gained along the way.

Fairy Tarot - Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Monday, March 18, 2019


Wonderful news is on its way? Really.  That is all good and well, but the waiting can be the undoing.  Good news is relevant.   What is good news for one could be and "oh well" for another.  Getting all worked up on the hype of something good on its way can be a adrenaline rush, with a let down possible.  Better to enjoy the moment we are in and not hold our breath waiting for some wonderful news.  If it comes great, if not, I got another day and that is great onto itself.

The Fairy Tarot - Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine

Saturday, March 16, 2019


Mountains.  A testament of time.  One of my favorite views was the first time driving to the mountains.  Awe and wonder as travel time brought me closer to the majestic wonder of them. Long have they stood and watched the passage of time.  The rocks of ages. 

Friday, March 15, 2019


In the moment.  Can't seem to find that moment.  I have gotten better about not spending so much of my time in possible futures or revisiting yesterdays; still find myself so many other places than here.  Right here.  Even writing this post part of my mind is thinking about work at office, and my bathroom project, do I pack a lunch, my appointment tomorrow, and what the heck is the cat up to now?  Everything it seems has my attention than looking at this otter floating on her back.  I am sure she is not wondering what is for lunch, where are the other otters, is that boat out there getting too close. I am sure she is in her moment soaking up the sun.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


Does one ever really know what they have led themselves into when making a commitment?  We can be well versed and gained lots of advice and understanding and still end of scratching our head down the road going - What?
This card is spot on for me today.  I woke this morning to discover Miss Kitty has ripped a hole in the back of my couch, the shreds of fabric told the tale, and has scratched loose more threads around the edge.  Her and I have had this conversation before and yet she keeps doing what cats do!  Frustrating, but she is my cat and I am her human and we will figure something out. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Ker plunk

I read an article over weekend asking the reader to clarify and work on the difference between Attention and Intention. This picture actually works for me thinking about the two.  My intention daily when getting out of bed is to do this n that and have a good day, most often it doesn't quite go as planned.  Then I have to pay attention to my reaction to unscheduled events.  Like this pebble thrown into the lake.  We watch with fascination as the ripples spread across the water, that is all good and lovely.  It is when others are also at the water's edge throwing their pebbles in and then all of our waves interact and the ripple effect changes. That's when I/we have to pay attention to our authentic self still at the water's edge. We are not what happens in the big pond of Life, we are the Observer.  The author gives us 'Mindfulness' for this card and I think that is exactly what we need to remind ourselves throughout our rippling day.

Elements of Recovery - Beverly King

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Go easy.

Fledgling.  Do I want to start out anew?  Not from day one.  I can try each and every day to make it a new day.  Challenging to leave yesterday with Yesterday.  I don't think this young robin gave herself any grief because yesterday all she did is set on the limb of the tree and fluttered her wings.  Today maybe and maybe not but I am sure there is no overthinking.  When she and her wings are ready to take flight, that's when the magic happens.  Forcing is artificial, her power is natural.  There is a time to all things.  Problems arise when we try to force ourselves.  Go easy today Carolyn, all in good time.

Elements of Recovery

Monday, March 11, 2019

Sing a song of sixpence

When I drew this card I immediately heard the line from the nursery rhyme by Mother Goose, "four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie"  What?  These birds appear to be turtle-doves, rhyme or no rhyme they appear darkened.  The author gives us "Choices"  chose to stay with the known, the safe, or put yourself out there and try something new.  A new choice and new path a new flight pattern? 
Are my choices today hidden in the nursery rhyme, count my money(blessings) like the king, eat the bread and honey(have a little feast for myself) like the queen or just stay indoors so I don't get my nose pecked off like the maid? 
One thing for sure, that rhyme will play in the background of mind most of the day.  An earworm; too bad those blackbirds don't peck at and eat the earworm and save the day.

Elements of Recovery - Beverly King

Sunday, March 10, 2019

I think that I have never seen...

The more that life on Earth is studied the more interconnected we find that we are. Trees are communities, not just hunks of timber,  They live and breath and communicate and care for each other.  The oak bears fruit and some of those acorns become saplings. In times of stress the larger and mature trees can divert water to the saplings so they can continue to grow. Obviously they have some form of communication even if it is the simplest electronic pulse between them. There are times when out in the forest in a stand of trees, I think I hear those words of communication on the whisper of the wind and rustling of leaves.  I know that some of those words of wisdom are for me as well as the young sapling.

Elements of Recovery - Beverly King

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Well, let's see.

I really do love the artwork with this deck of cards.  The soft pastels and animals really are lovely.  As a tarot deck or oracle, it doesn't speak to me.  Yesterday I looked at the elephant on the card of Strength and got nothing so I wrote nothing, kind of a strength in silence?  This Queen of Cups makes me think of my kitty this morning, who is happily snoozing away on my bed.  It's daylight right, so that is where you will find her. 
The only other thing I can gather from this card as an oracle is taking stock of what was, to help with what will be or could be.  An inventory type of day? maybe as long as I don't work in my bedroom and disturb the cat.

SpiritSong Tarot

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Nothing better

Nothing better than a quiet contemplative walk out in Nature.  I prefer the beach, my love of a forest is so close that I couldn't choose which.  I need warmer weather so I can get out and walk barefoot across the new Spring grass and reconnect with Nature.  If the weather doesn't turn soon I am going to have to get on a plane and walk on a beach.  I think that is one of the big things about going to the beach, sure I vacate my life for a bit, but it is because I spend a good amount of time barefoot on the sand. 

SpiritSong Tarot

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Ante up

Another three.  Three of Wands yesterday Three of Cups today, pair of threes.  Soft bet, but then again I don't know the next draw and it could be another three.  Three of a kind is a sure, well almost sure winner. 
I have a lovely meditation that I ride with the dolphins to my sacred place to help find an answer.  Maybe I need to take time to call to my water friends and take a meditative journey.  Nothing more fun than a frolic with friends.

SpiritSong Tarot

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


Keeping your head above the fray, wise advice some might say.  Yet truly some times you really do need to get yourself involved,.  Not necessarily take a roll in the mud.  If you don't know how the 'other half' lives, you can't really make a comment or make a correct valuation. Work, service, politics, government, real estate, chocolate comparisons, schools, cars.....on an on it can go.  You don't have to walk in everyone shoes, just take yours off once in awhile. If we do, we can see people, places, things from a different vantage point. 

Spiritsong Tarot

Monday, March 4, 2019


Learn something new everyday.  The Page of Swords probably has these wise words imprinted on a placard that he views everyday.  Good words to remember and also to have fun at it if you can. 

Spiritsong Tarot

Sunday, March 3, 2019

No where fast

The Traveller, aka the Fool.  A new adventure, starting something new.  Well not this girl, this weekend.  My car's get up and go - didn't.  Friday morning I made a stop before heading to office and when restarting out the power steering evidently became non-powered.  I made calls and got my car towed and tomorrow it will be repaired.  As I sat in the parking lot I thought of another Friday in March, seven years ago when I drove straight into tragedy and trauma.  Was this an event that kept me from going...After getting home later in the morning I re-read my post about don't go looking for zebras.  Sometimes a non-active car is just that. It could also be the Universe keeping safe by non traveling.  Either way I am spending a easy, quiet, weekend at home with the kitty.

Spiritsong Tarot - Paulina Cassidy

Saturday, March 2, 2019


Cledon: a sign, message from the Universe or the Divine.  There's a new word for me.  I believe in signs.  Used to give them little attention, now when they arrive, I give it all my attention.
There are times though, I just wish for a straight forward message or at least some concrete affirmation that the cledon was in fact a message. None of this, "heard it from a friend, who heard it from a friend who heard from another."  Got something to say; say it.  Don't message me in a bottle, let me hear from you.

Wisdom of the Oracle - Colette Baron-Reid

Friday, March 1, 2019

Horse of a different color

When you hear hoof beats don't go looking for zebras.
"Don't go looking for zebras" is an expression I read years ago.  Don't look for the exotic where none exits.  Usually the most reasonable answer is the answer.  Sure the uncommon may be the reason, but mostly no.  A Change in the Wind and thinking about zebras reminds me the swirling change that is around me is most likely of my own making.  Awareness.

The Wisdom of the Oracle

Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...