Saturday, January 29, 2022

Group of three


Today we celebrate my B.I.L. birthday. I really don't don't want to get out in the bitter cold to do the lunch thing, but my sister and her husband are  my tribe; the three of us do lots together. So I will bundle up and spend my afternoon out of my hut and gather with them as they have done with me. I did bake a cake and there is ice cream in the freezer, so there is a sweet treat when we return from lunch.  We gather and share with those we love, even on cold, winter days.  The sharing takes some of the chill off as well.

Scorpio Sea Tarot


  1. I find after I've had a period of solitude that there can be some resistance to getting out again. And this cold weather makes it extra hard! Glad you are taking advantage of the outing!

  2. and like vacation, coming home is just about the best part ;)


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...