Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Hurry up and wait

Since my energy pattern seems to be stagnant, this Knight of Wands is more about inaction. Delays have caused a restlessness, evident in the increase of my Restless Leg Syndrome at night. Hurry up and wait indeed.  My energy is confused and infrequent.  I want to move forward but indecision has me pawing at the ground.
To stay or go? As with all Knights the answer is go. I just need to get my saddle ready and get a move on.  Maybe a nap first.

The Linestrider's Tarot


  1. Cat naps seem to be helpful at this age for me. Have you heard of putting a bar of soap under the covers by your feet to help with RLS? I think it has to do with some soap having magnesium in it.

    1. I never heard of that solution. When next at the store I will pick up a bar of soap; all my soaps are in liquid form.

  2. My home remedy. Slather of hand lotion, and slide them under my dogs. Or something else about 15 pounds. Usually the hand lotion is enough.

    1. I good rub down does help, and lotion gives us the moisturizing we all need.

  3. When I had RLS, I found it was related to some OTC medicine I had been taking (Bonnie). But a soak in Epsom salts might help if magnesium is an issue.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...