Friday, July 31, 2020


My word for the year is Decide and seven months later I am still in that between place.  Not moving forward nor left or right.  Currently I feel stuck, in suspension.  I keep sorting through choices and possible outcomes and it has kept me immobilized.  Maybe a good thing, maybe not. This year has been in a place of moving and not moving forward. 

The Linestrider's Tarot

Thursday, July 30, 2020

The connection

Change.  Change is the answer. No since looking farther than the mirror.  The gal reflecting back at me, that is where the change begins, with me.  I can hope the Wheel will spin and stop on, better health, more money, people who have more sense, the violence to stop...
Me, I have to be the change for me.  For others the only thing I can change is my view of them. 

The Linestrider's Tarot

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Hmmm.  Nothing. I am in a wait and see position.  What will Temperance reveal to me today?  What will come together that needs to be known?
I keep thinking why is Temperance between Death and the Devil in Tarot? Endings and Temptation.
Mostly questions it seems.

The Linestrider's Tarot

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Hurry up and wait

Since my energy pattern seems to be stagnant, this Knight of Wands is more about inaction. Delays have caused a restlessness, evident in the increase of my Restless Leg Syndrome at night. Hurry up and wait indeed.  My energy is confused and infrequent.  I want to move forward but indecision has me pawing at the ground.
To stay or go? As with all Knights the answer is go. I just need to get my saddle ready and get a move on.  Maybe a nap first.

The Linestrider's Tarot

Monday, July 27, 2020


A good couple of days in the Sun are needed to recharge my body, mind, and spirit.  The last week I have tried sitting in the Sun for about 15-20 minutes everyday. One reason, I seem to have developed plaque psoriasis on my legs and topical creams are not clearing up. Suggestions of Sun exposure has me sitting out in the 90° temps in 75% humidity. It has seemed to help, then another flare. Also with these stay at home days I am sluggish and taking naps to pass the time.
Sunflowers are blooming everywhere, maybe a bouquet in the home will bring a needed lift.
Best to enjoy these long sunny days of Summer as the Wheel turns toward shorter days and longer nights. Ugh

The Linestrider's Tarot

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Share and share alike

Generosity of spirit.  Share and share alike.
Do we give sometimes expecting something back?
A thank you would be nice, but then once given it is no longer ours, so should we be expectant?

The Linestrider's Tarot
Siolo Thompson

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Leave taking

What is worth holding on to?  If I was forced to leave my home with things that I could carry, what would be those precious few items?
Change is coming and I wonder what are those items that would best serve me in changing times. 

The Linestrider's Tarot

Friday, July 24, 2020


I had a sleepless night, finally laid back down at 7am this morning till 9:30am, hope it does not interfere with tonight's sleeping program.  Today I will muddle about and trust my instincts to get me through.  I only have to go out to drop off recycles; so a quick trip out and back before the afternoon and evening rush hours should be okay.

An after thought. How would the Tarot unfold if it started with The High Priestess and not the Magician?  Something to ponder on a more clear-headed day.

The Linestrider's Tarot

Thursday, July 23, 2020

That's weird

I can't seem to get beyond the image of the fox as a pole dancer.  It crowds other possibilities out of my head.  As Alice said, she thinks of six impossible things before breakfast.
Everything may not seem as it appears today.
Instead of an Ace of Wands, it may be club to knock me on my noggin.

The Linestrider's Tarot

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Message received

Sometimes Pages can be messengers of sorts. Fanciful, new, exciting news delivered.  In my case, delivered in the mailbox.  I received a book from a friend in the mail yesterday. It came from a website I never heard of, so that is pretty interesting.  The author I have read before but not this book.  It had a bookmark inserted and though the sender inserted their business information there, the page was marked by a message I definitely needed to hear.  Synchronicity, lovely.

The Linestrider's Tarot

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


I have noticed the appearance in one form or another of twos. Here two horses with The Chariot, a standard portrayal.  The image of twos have been dominant this year.  My yearly spread had several twos and some other imagery that related to two. The other day a spread, no twos but the Seven of Swords with two of them set aside and the Five of Cups, with the two cups not being viewed.  I cannot decide if I have a choice to make between two options? Is it because there are two twos in 2020, the year at hand? Maybe I am making more of it than needs to be.
Curiouser and curiouser. 
2020 is a year of choices, that is for sure.

The Linestrider's Tarot

Monday, July 20, 2020

Hello day!

Wherever you go there you are. 
Not sure what the Fool has to say to me today.  Pick up your foot, take a step and see where it takes you.  Today is a good day to start something new.  Not sure what yet, so everything is on the table.  I guess I will figure it out as I go.

The Linestrider's Tarot

Sunday, July 19, 2020


I had a dream this morning that calls me to question myself.  An epiphany, a self realization. I have been sitting with that dream for hours and I think I will give most of the day over to it. 
 I believe a "wake up call"

"You first took a little step off the path to avoid some rocks. For a while you walked along the path but then you wandered out a little way to step on softer soil. Then you stopped paying attention as you drifted farther and farther away. Finally, you found yourself in the wrong city wondering why the signs on the roadway hadn't led you better."
Brandon Sanderson ~ The Emperor's Soul

The Linestrider's Journey Tarot
Siolo Thompson

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Return on investment

Make a plan, work the plan.  Hopefully then there will be a return on the investment. 
This is an appropriate draw today as I am heading to sister's place in country; today we are putting up corn. What a hot, sticky mess it is, but the reward is corn that taste like summer sunshine on your plate in the middle of winter.
The cicada on the front corner of table reminds me, we have not yet heard their song of return this Summer. Seventeen years below ground, talk about an investment of time.

Green Witch Tarot - Ann Moura

Friday, July 17, 2020


I almost shamed myself yesterday, well I kind of did since I thought the thought.  I was at the grocery store and saw a woman selecting some Goya products.  I almost, almost said "what are you thinking buying that stuff?"
It is none of my business what others choose to buy. Maybe her selections were not a statement of an ongoing debate and definitely  what she is eating is not my concern.  The thing is, main stream influence is getting out of control, sending us all in different directions; I cannot do much about others, but it was an ah-ha moment for me.  Charging into the fray is not the answer.
Yesterday I stated that I could not heal if in the same environment that has made me unwell; that includes my thoughts and actions.

The Green Witch Tarot

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Better get a move on

Make a plan, work the plan.
If I run around willy-nilly in the forest I could get lost.
Stop what I am doing. Take a minute and look at where I am and what resources I have.  Lay everything out and decide.
I cannot heal in the same environment that I became unwell in.
Reminds me of a suggestion, "You are not a tree, move!"

The Green Witch Tarot

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Closed circle

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.  Nothing has ever been accomplished by crying "woe is me."  Spending too much time with our regrets and disappointments doesn't get us anywhere.  After stumbling around in the eight of swords, and lamenting our sorrows in the nine, time to toss those thoughts of worry in the fire and release ourselves from the 'if onlies.'
One thing ends another begins.

The Green Witch Tarot

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Missed something something

There have been many moments in my life that I have envisioned myself just like this.  Spending time and practicing Moon Light Magic.  I missed out.  Most of my life spent with my nose to the grindstone, which never got me anywhere.  At least I finally found my kitty companion.

The Green Witch Tarot

Monday, July 13, 2020


I know that something is missing.  My focus has been so fixed, hoping for what seems to be missing, will reveal itself.  Not.  When do we give up and turn our gaze elsewhere for answers?
With covid chaos, now is not necessarily the best time to search or is it?  Today the Eight of Cups feels like The Fool many years down the road wondering if it is time to start a new journey.  As Bilbo Baggins exclaimed "I think I am quite ready for new adventure!"

The Green Witch Tarot

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Friday, July 10, 2020

Let's do this

I have drawn knights several times in this last week and The Wheel several times too; if not so earth grounded I might suffer a bit of motion sickness. In fact I have had a couple of issues with a spell of dizziness also in the last couple of weeks.  Also noticed birds, hawks and falcons have shown up as well.  Change is in the air and all bodes well. The birds are reminders that my higher-self is in the know and I can trust that the movement is going to be alright.

The Green Witch Tarot

Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Times, they are a changin'

Are we active participants spinning The Wheel or do we let others and circumstance spin it for us?  I like to think I actively make my own choices and then an email yesterday reminded me I am sitting on the sideline of my life waiting for an something to happen.  Is the delay just a time-line of fate or a reminder my choice was to wait it out? Six weeks, what is six weeks more?  With Covid options, six weeks seems reasonable since we are in a wait-and-see world.
Whatever happened to the fly-by-the-seat of my pants girl I used to be?

The Green Witch Tarot

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Me, mine

Step away from what's mine.
Sometimes we hold on to things for no good reason.  Let 'em go. Share them.
I have not been painting rocks lately, kind of got out of the habit. They wait for me to pick up my brushes again, and soon I think I will.  There are some on my counter that have been with me for a couple of years. Painted them, liked them, kept them. Maybe to make similar ones or what I think of as my 'pattern rocks.' Maybe it is time to let them go. When I start again, a clean slate will be a good place to start.

The Green Witch Tarot

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Oh the places I can go

We are all on our way somewhere.  Most of us do travel the same well marked path, it's just easier.  I am surprised that this Knight of Wands is not out forging a new trail?  Riding side-saddle may have something to do with it.  Some days call for a bit more caution, other we kick up our heels. Today calls for a more gentle ride from here to there.  I am off to the BMV for new plates and registration for my new-to-me transportation.  I fear it will be a hurry up and wait kind of day.

The Green Witch Tarot

Monday, July 6, 2020


Fractured Focus.  It is challenging to keep two things going at the same time. We can do it for a short interim, but not long term. One or both will suffer neglect.  Two things going all the time will keep us out of balance and that is evident in our world, our daily-life, now more than ever. If what we focus on expands and there is a lot of good sense to that adage, then we must be vigilant in what we have our attention on.

The Green Witch Tarot

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Clap your hands

"When your happy and you know, then your face will surely show it, when your happy and you know it, clap your hands."
Take a moment and really appreciate all that you have.  Then share that appreciation.  When we acknowledge all the good, everything seems to line up and the world is a more friendly place.
A little piece of my puzzle fell into place in the last few days, bringing with it with it some ease and comfort. Hopefully I can sit back and relax a bit and let Life be.

The Green Witch Tarot
Ann Moura

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Lace up

It's a marvelous night for a Moon Dance.
Partial eclipse early tomorrow morning. 
After all the fireworks something really worth watching and participating in. 
I am putting on my dancing shoes and having a spin after midnight. (well actually I will be barefoot)

Friday, July 3, 2020

Group effort

We can do more together than apart. 
I seem to be isolating more and more these days, and it is not all about the covid crisis.  I am looking down the not too long road to retirement and wonder about finding a circle of support and shared interests.  I read a little article the other day where Richard Branson says start two lists, one with everything you like and the other with your dislikes.  Maybe that will give me a hint.  Discovering my new place "in the sun" is my next adventure and that is worth celebrating.

The Chinese Tarot

Thursday, July 2, 2020


The fire might be tamped down as we age, yet there are still things that are worth doing; worth getting out there.  I recently mentioned that even as I age there is a part of me that seems much younger. Sixty-three and in my mind's eye, Forty-five.
Note to Self: You are not too old and it is not too late.

The Chinese Tarot

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Get up and dance

I will take a Ten of Cups day. Yay! Sometimes we wish Life would be happy days everyday, but balance is needed.  There are good days and not so good days.  If Life, Fate, Happenstance gives me a good day, who am I to argue.
Yes for the most part we make our days what they are.  Still there are those days that a little something, something helps.  I will take it.

The Chinese Tarot

Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...