Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Light the corners of my mind

Sifting through child memories we find that there are good and not so good memories of childhood.  The ratio is determined by family.  We all need love, guidance, a firm hand, and a soft place to be comforted in and that is determined in our familial environment.  I can say there were some really good times and there were some really not good times. Both shape who I am and both are remembered through my younger girl's eyes and reality.  Lately I have been trying to work through some of those more difficult moments, as to release them.  They no longer serve me or very useful at all.  Forget the fright, flight, and freeze effect, I am done being chased by lions, and tigers, and bears, OH MY!
I am reminding myself that Spring is on her way.  Times of walking outside and feeling the soft grass between my toes and making clover bracelets.  Memories then and now.


  1. not having had children you and I have no way to truly understand being a parent 24/7. I'll bet parents looking bad see their rose covered cottage dreams shattered in so many painful ways by their kids. I'd still far rather be me than be a parent. Ick ;)

    1. I have never regretted the choice not to be a parent. My Dad worked away from home a lot and so I was the one who had to step up, the dependable middle child. I have been a pretty good aunt. Parenthood nope, not then not now.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...