Sunday, July 17, 2022

The blank look


This card speaks to me on several levels today. 

Yesterday sitting amongst family, I made a statement to the others sitting around the table, that as in other times, was met with disdain and deprecation, as usual. I really don't know why I expected anything different. We all have are own ideas and thoughts on things and they think mine are weird and new agey and I think theirs are  limited and narrow. I also realized that at 65 I am still seeking validation from them, why I don't know, if we haven't met in the middle by now, it is highly doubtful that we will find common ground. I withdrew into myself and said why even continue with them, well one, they are family, secondly we are all on a journey, most of us are on different paths to the same destination. The Awakening is allowing not only them to continue along, but allow myself the same, without feeling that anyone else needs to share or understand the Me of Me.

Gaian Tarot ~ Joanna Powell Colbert

1 comment:

  1. I'm learning to validate my ideas with my own experience and not with other people. If they haven't had the same experience, we have no common ground.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...