Monday, January 31, 2022


 This image is a bit off kilter. I could blame it on operator error or getting used to the new printer/scanner, but it really it is neither.  I tried rescanning several times with same results. This happens from time to time, which just reminds me my day will include mishaps. Some days things will go a bit sideways, and somedays more than others. I can get frustrated or give myself the opportunity to look at things, me, my life from a different perspective. Not a major difference, just a little tilt here or there to my viewpoint.

Earth Wisdom Oracle ~ Cristina Scagliotti and Barbara Moore

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Group of three


Today we celebrate my B.I.L. birthday. I really don't don't want to get out in the bitter cold to do the lunch thing, but my sister and her husband are  my tribe; the three of us do lots together. So I will bundle up and spend my afternoon out of my hut and gather with them as they have done with me. I did bake a cake and there is ice cream in the freezer, so there is a sweet treat when we return from lunch.  We gather and share with those we love, even on cold, winter days.  The sharing takes some of the chill off as well.

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Friday, January 28, 2022

Snow day


It is snowing out there this morning. Pretty to look at, not much fun to get out in it anymore. As a young girl a snowy morning held much promise of fun. First, school might have been canceled. I loved learning and still do but there was something special about a 'snow day.' Second I would get myself all bundled up and go out and make a snow angel; magical how a pair of wings of mine own making in the snow made me feel.  Thirdly how great it felt getting back inside and warming up. I didn't really comprehend or appreciate central heating as a child, but I sure do as an adult. Now I watch the delicate flakes falling and think, how lovely whilst sitting in my warm home with a cup of hot chocolate in my Ace of Cups.

Scorpio Sea TarotSnow

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Oh the places...


Those magical, wobbly, uncertain first steps. Oh the place you can go if you just keep getting back up and keep at it. Too bad we can't go back and see ourselves take those tentative first steps and remember our determination and delight in taking those steps and getting up when we plopped back down, and taking a few more. We can learn a lot about how to proceed if we remember when...

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Power play


There are times to wait and time to get busy and get things done. Waiting around for another to okay a project gives them the power. Want it done? Do it. Own it. Go for it!

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Tuesday, January 25, 2022



"If you prick us, do we not bleed"

Sometimes our emotions can get the better of us. Even Queens can get over emotional about the smallest of things.

Give people a 'benefit of doubt.' We don't really know what is going on with them and what they may be dealing with. 

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Monday, January 24, 2022

Hello again


One of my most enjoyable pastimes, dolphin watching. When I am at the ocean waiting to catch a glimpse of my cousins. 

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Idle time


There is this thought, idea, realization that has gathered but not yet grasped just there, at the center of my fore-brain.  It hasn't clarified so I am not sure what I am trying to make myself aware of? Maybe once the congestion in my sinuses has cleared,  awareness will be realized. 

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Friday, January 21, 2022

Green light


This Lover's card does not have an Angel offering a blessing. How often do we look to others for validation for ourselves?  It started as babies, cooing with happiness when Mother was delighted with us. Teachers giving us good grades. Promotions for a good job done. Permissions granted. I am leaving that all behind. I wonder what life would have been like if I lived more on my terms?  Today is still open to my own interpretation, I will take that.

The Scorpio Sea Tarot

Thursday, January 20, 2022

boo hoo


I can commiserate with this sorrowful wolf. She has made one attempt after another with no success and is feeling sorry for herself.  Me, my misery is tech at the moment and a cold that seemingly now on its way out of my system, yay for that, but boo hoo for my techie issues. The tv remote is not working and my printer decide to quit yesterday. What to do?  Since I am feeling better, get up and get out and replace the defunct equipment.  I realized that we are in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde, which may explain why my equipment is on the fritz; that or it is old stuff. I will blame it on Mercury and his high-jinxs.  Give me a moment why I wallow.

The Scorpio Sea Tarot

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Big gulp


I will have a big cup of whatever will chase away this cold.  One and half weeks of congestion is just too long.  I glanced at the card from yesterday and realized that getting older has both benefits and disadvantages. One disadvantage is taking longer to heal. I could be so much worse and I know that and am glad that I am not, but I am starting to reach the whiny stage.  Hopefully this Ace of Cups signals the final stretch.

The Scorpio Sea Tarot

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Lined imagery


Opinions, suggestions, advice, I have got lots of them, but no one really wants to listen. And really I can't blame them. For the most part I didn't listen to my own-self, my intuition, my inner-knowing. Sure that forge ahead mentality taught me a lot of things, mostly not to do a lot of those things again, but really, do others want to listen to that? Either they have to learn themselves or their paths differ from mine. These days I try to keep my mouth shut, better all the way around.

Several months ago at memorial for one of my sisters who left the planet, family members were sharing photos taken throughout our years. In one photo taken, I was Twenty-Five. Was I ever that young? And oh what smooth unlined skin I had. Wrinkles I have earned lots of them, some just needless worry.  Don't need to share that.

Scorpio Sea Tarot

Monday, January 17, 2022

Hobson's choice


Is there a randomness to the choices that are given or presented to us or are there auguries to inspire us along our paths? Sometimes it makes me wonder if Life is by design or one big roll of the dice?

I do know one thing, I would never choose to put a deer head trophy on my wall and I don't like seeing them on others either. Sorry maybe it's wrong but I get judgemental of another when I see them in their homes.  Their choice and mine too.

The Scorpio Sea Tarot ~ Maggie Stiefvater & Melissa Cynova

Saturday, January 15, 2022



Changing directions, going to or from, watch where you place your next step. Sometimes (well a lot of times) we have to alter our course, a bit of care on how you proceed is always good advice.

Artwork: Rain in an Oak Forest - Ivan Ivanovich

MAJESTIC EARTH Tarot ~ J.D. Hildegard Hinkel

Friday, January 14, 2022

Need vs Want


The last few days sitting around nursing a cold I have been grateful for all that I have. Everything I needed to care for myself and allow my body to heal was and is available.  Home, security, comfort, food, heat, water companionship (Kitty) books. I was not pressed to take care of anything or anyone other than myself. My needs were and are taken care of. I have wanted for nothing. A good reminder of my needs versus my wants. This painting of The Garden of Eden by Thomas Cole offers the same, home food, companionship, but Eve wanted more. Want, want, want, want, I want what I want. Thomas Cole also painted at same time Expulsion from the Garden of Eden. The Wants unsettle us.  Realizing that I am safe and secure in my own way means The World to me. More sure, but I don't need it. 


Thursday, January 13, 2022



A lovely and softer version of the typical withdrawn and closed off Two of Swords. It is the differences within ourselves that shape who we are; they are the things that keep us from being a flat projection in the world.  Our contrasts define us. There can be no light with out dark, no dark without light. Finding the balance is our challenge to rise to or ignore and linger in the confusion. 

Artwork: Assuaging of the Waters - John Martin


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Go tell it on the mountain


There is excitement this morning at The Berry College Eagles Nest.  Today is the day that there will be babies in the nest. About 3 years or so ago, my friend Bev K told me about webcam viewing of this nest and I have been following since.  Today looks to be the day. The adult eagle pair is staying close and some possible peeps have been heard when the pair change places on the nest. Egg-citing!  Life renews itself and this is a lovely reminder that it does.

Artwork: A View of the Mountain Pass -Crawford Notch  & Morning in a Pine Forest -Ivan Ivanovich


Tuesday, January 11, 2022



We choose. Create in the light or beget in the shadows? We choose. Good days and not so good days, they each have lessons for us. What will we learn? More important how do we choose to learn?  

This morning I had a lovely lay in for healing. This cold will not get the better of me. In fact laying in and thinking happy thoughts has made me feel much better.  I can create my wellness.


Monday, January 10, 2022



Express yourself. Say it loud and say it clear. Shout it from the roof top, or the mountain top.   I have a cold this morning. Started with a scratching throat yesterday. I asked the Tarot what would facilitate my healing and drew The Fool.  So I shall sing loudly. Declare my healing intentions. Shout my intention "I will not succumb, I am well!

Artwork:  The Bard ~ John Martin


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Repeating lesson


I may have declared that I was done with winter, but Winter has answered "not so fast, I have a say in this decision too!"  Must be a lesson that still is not learned; endurance, be in the moment, because the moment is all we have.  If I wish for Spring, I spend several months lost in wishfulness and not present in my day. Ugh, a new lesson for me to consider. This Nine of Wands is a reminder that hard times do no last. As my friend Sharyn reminded me yesterday, already the days are longer. The Earth, bless her, is already changing her attitude and tilting towards the Sun. She knows that a change of seasons is good for her and so I must respect that, and know somewhere along the line, it is good for me too.

Artwork: In the Wild North - Ivan Ivanovich

MAJESTIC EARTH Tarot ~ J.D. Hildegard Hinkel

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Know thyself


I have deceived myself. An Empress should know herself. Heavy lays the crown if we are not sure what we have to work with. My deception is, I will never be friends with Winter. I told myself that I would accept and become friends with the cold and with 2 days of frigid temperatures, I acknowledge that I and Winter will never be on friendly terms.  

Artwork:  California Spring  - Albert Bierstadt


Friday, January 7, 2022

Confusion in the mist


When I first saw this depiction of the painting, "Wanderer in a Sea of Fog" it reminded me of Johnny Depp's character, Gellert Grindelwald in the movie Fantastic Beasts. Grindelwald had whiteish blond hair, a cane, and wore a long black walking coat in the movie if I remember correctly. He was known to say "for the greater good" trying to explain or justify his wicked ways.  I wonder if in those Hermit moments when we self-examine if there might come that moment when we could and sometimes do 'cross-over' to the dark side? We are a mixture of light and dark thoughts and feelings, those emotions which sometimes can get the better of us. Do a good deed, we feel good about our actions. Do a not so good thing and we can be wickedly delighted. Stepping into the Hermit's territory we must be cautious and understanding of what may be discovered in the mists of our minds. 

Artwork: The Wanderer Above the Fog - David Caspar Friedrich


Thursday, January 6, 2022

Precarious Visions


Precarious visions indeed; very apt description for The Moon. We see what we see, which may be completely different from another's view. Beautiful or Eerie? We see what we see based on our perceptions and education, which of course education influences our perceptions. Each of us are unique individuals with unique perspectives. Some paint the Moon, others worship, or howl, or bang drums, or hide behind closed doors. The Moon inspires me to feel not to overthink. To trust my intuition, which is more reliable then what my eyes may behold.

Artwork:  Uttewalder Grund - Caspar David Friedrich


Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The deep breath


Out of the old, the Earth renews. Things end making way for the new. This couple has taken up residence near the ruins of an old abbey. I wonder if they can feel the thrum of energy that runs deep through the land? The stream of echos of prayers and chants repeated by monks long since gone.  Do we make plans for the beginning of something new when the time comes or react to the end of something when the event occurs? Tens - something has ended and something new will begin.

Artwork: Eldena Ruin -Caspar David Friedrich


Tuesday, January 4, 2022



"On a lush riverbank, friends enjoy the end of a good day, celebrating what they have and setting aside quotidian concerns."  - from the accompanied booklet by author.

Quotidian, never have I came across this word before. A fancy word for everyday occurrences.  I like this word. Instead of saying I had a so so day or a boring day, " I had a quotidian day."  Put a little spin on the our day to day life, which of course is ours to make and do with as we please. Celebrate the day(s) while we can, when we can, where we can. It's a good day to have a good day. 

Artwork: L'allegro (Italian Sunset) by Thomas Cole  - The three in frame of the picture have their goat with them.  Maybe they are returning home from the marketplace where they sold some cheeses and yarn both products of their goat herd. They brought along one for show and tell. A day like most others and they thought they would give themselves a bit of merriment before returning home and tending to the flock and other homestead chores. 


Monday, January 3, 2022

In the moment


And just like that we are in a new year. Day 3 and so far the year is an ongoing daily repeating scene of last year. Time to let go of my day to day anticipated responses and let myself enjoy the mystery and majesty that is all around me. 

Snow is forecasted for Thursday. Others shout hoorah, I cringe and moan at the thought. I ask myself what happened to that promise made to me to be friends with winter, to enjoy the season for the wonder of it? I need to reach within and snip the repeating loop of responses. Why concern myself with Thursday when today is the moment to enjoy. 

Artwork: Diana on the Chase by Washington Harvard  - just out of frame is Diana with her hunting dogs and two of her nymph companions.  Her quarry here is enchanted with the mountains and forest that soon maybe taken from him; you cannot outrun Diana's arrow. My additional take from painting; enjoy while you can because Diana's arrow will find us all one day.


Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Whys Have It


Why do we do the crazy things that we do? For showmanship or upmanship?  To prove a point? Do we have to prove a point?  A little friendly competition might be okay, but when it gets a bit nasty, the whys have it. I am aware of most of my whys and wherefores and am done with the need to prove a point. I am joining the spectators and enjoy myself, even in joust/jest.

Artwork: The Past by Thomas Cole   -  There is more going on in this painting than can be seen here. Worth a online look for a closer preview.

MAJESTIC EARTH TAROT ~ J.D. Hildegard Hinkel

Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Year to Come


Happy New Year! 

It is up to me  to tend life.  Hello 2022!

The Gaian Tarot - Joanna Powell Colbert

Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...