Saturday, March 20, 2021

Clean it up

Spring has arrived. Spring cleaning needs to commence.  Want change in Life? Start with the home. Clean, clear, and cast out things that no longer work, or need, are not serviceable, and no longer make you smile.  When you release you make room for the new energy that can be very uplifting. A good way to step into Spring.

Wisdom of the Oracle ~ Colette Baron-Reid


  1. My cousin says I've gone too far in my unclutter/downsize/clean out. I say I haven't gone nearly far enough :) But then she has two crates of napkins she has collected from restaurants since she was six. Moans because none of her kids want them. I suggested she keep a basket by her dining table filled and use them, honoring them each meal and then letting go. She can't do it. So the boxes sit in the attic. Our differences make us interesting.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...