Monday, March 6, 2017


Life Experience

Sometimes I need to revisit my Tower moments.  More than just the tornado incident five years ago, there have been others.   I have more than just survived all of these instances or events, they have become part of me.  It does become more challenging to recover or bounce back as the years meander on.  I have always been a strong woman, not so much anymore.  I may look and act most days as a 'tower of strength'  but inside I am more 'humpty dumpty.' 

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the kings horses and all the kings men
Couldn't put Carolyn together again.

Maybe that is the reason for 'Tower' moments, to force change?

The Fairy Tarot



  1. "I have always been a strong woman, not so much anymore" I believe strength comes in many ways. You might surprise yourself in another Tower moment
    Sometimes I think my "strong woman" persona was an act without knowing so otherwise my tower experiences wouldn't have caused my break down in the end

    1. It wasn't that I was really a strong woman as much as 'in the know' I read a lot a had a really good memory and so it just evolved from there. Now I just want to be like those fairies, chasing butterflies and woolly lambs, and cloud watching.

    2. That sounds wonderful to me!!

  2. I believe Tower moments can change our beliefs, opinions and goals. They aren't fun, but they can shine the light on dark corners we've been ignoring or denying. We may even get to a place where we don't need a Tower to hide in if we're not afraid to see what has been shown.

    1. Tower moments can be the catalyst for change. That was fine when I was just a wee lass, now I want safe and serene.

    2. My tower moments have never lead to lighting the dark corners. My tower moments have made those corners even darker.

  3. I do think that when we tolerate a situation that isn't right for us sometimes the universe throws up a tower so we have to address it. That has been my experience. I also think some towers leave a permanent fragility in us and there's no point pretending otherwise. Although perhaps those fracture lines are strengths as we better learn to look after ourselves.

  4. Sometimes we confuse the two. Strength and Tired.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...