Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Walled in

I have retreated to my own self-imprisonment.  I stand and view the passing world with fear and bits of left over fascination.  I wrote my friend Sharyn yesterday that I had not been doing my daily draws because all I thought I would view would be reflections of my fear, anger, and sadness.  Why look at what I already feel?
I originally started this blog to work through some of my days of healing. Evidently I still have more to do.  I have found a well of deep sadness for the loss of a life that might have been lived if not for a tornado. I have shut myself away hoping that it will pass.  It will not.  No way around it, so I must plow through. 

Rider Waite-Smith Tarot


  1. it wouldn't work for everyone but as you've seen over the years I spit all kind of effluent out and watch it slink away, good for whatever ails me, because I sure don't talk about this stuff in real life. Who'd listen? I get sick of my cynicism too, but harking that stuff up helps. Not like I'm asking anyone to read my opinions. (((c))) To deny any outlet for the sour sides of life seems like suicide by dust.

    1. Harking it up is exactly what is happening. For all my upbeat platitudes, opening up this stored and hidden well of sorrow and grief has been my undoing. I can roll around in the grief or work through the muck.

  2. (((C))) Acknowledging it can allow us the chance to move forward. It is easy to get stuck in longing for what might have been, but there's still good out there to be found. Though sometimes we have to look very closely and carefully as I am finding out. :)

  3. I thought I was and have been doing well all things considered. 7 years and now I discover the abscess of despair under layers of "I am doing very well." Like Sharyn suggests, hark it up and get rid of the muck.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...