Thursday, April 4, 2019

Me or not?

I woke up with a lovely dream of the beach, and warm sunny days.  I saw my Kitty basking in the sunlight watching little newts run along the window and the birds bouncing along the yard looking for little bits of breakfast. From time to time I think about making the move. There is the financial concern, but my biggest fear is the leaving of the sister.  She has pleaded with me not to go for years and since the the tt I wonder what I would do without her if I faced another traumatic event. Also with a major abandonment theme(s) running through my lives, I don't want to cast that sorrow on another. 
Sacrifice asks me which is the greater, my need or others?

The Sacred Circle Tarot


  1. That is a tough dilemma. Either choice is a sacrifice. Though if you thinking of coastal living, there are hurricanes and tornadoes in abundance.

  2. not too many of either on our coast but 9 months of the year it is cold and wet, the other three warmer and wet. Who could afford California's beach? Dedicated iime at the beach might be the plan, the best of the best. three one weekers? one three weeker? always something to look forward to.
    Having choices is a lot of the fun too. :)


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...