Sunday, October 4, 2020

Giving and Receiving


I have been thinking about all the exchanges that routinely go on in my life. There is a natural flow in the Universe of giving and receiving. Nature is one of the biggest examples. Trees, they give oxygen and get our carbon dioxide.  It's when the flow of give and take gets out of balance that things go hinkey.  

One of the biggest things I have an issue with for myself and I have done lots of work on it and still more to go is the giving of the benefit of doubt. 


  1. I like that card! :D Reminds me of the saying to make a charitable assumption.

    1. I wouldn't sell that card. Somewhere along the line we all need a card like that.

  2. the Jump To Conclusions would be the go directly to jail card ...

    1. Yes, the jump has gotten me into trouble over the years. Finally getting much smarter and give things a chance.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...