Another dressed up cat.
This one is going on with his day to day things he does.
How he dresses, where he works, how he spends his play time.
These daily rituals define us. Home, work, play. I look at myself today and reflect on years past and I am pretty much the same gal, though now I worry less about others perceptions. I wish that lesson I had learned a long time ago. Still, life is purring good, pun intended.
Purring is just not a sound a cat makes when satisfied and/or happy. It strengthens their bones and immune system. So maybe I will add purring to my daily routine.
Perhaps I have always known everything important but will need a lifetime to discover what I know. Tarot and Oracles offer me guides and sign posts to help me along my way.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Puss in Boots
I wonder if those mice 'around every corner' could refer to those small niggling doubts that creep around the corners of my mind.
I chuckled with this card; as if someone could put boots on a cat. Ha!
My Kitty won't even tolerate a collar without going into drama mode. Not even to say anything about the ruffle and hat.
I don't understand people dressing up their pets, come on. A Cat or Dog is a cat or a dog, not a toy to dress and impress.
To each their own is a good one to remember
Cat Gurus
I chuckled with this card; as if someone could put boots on a cat. Ha!
My Kitty won't even tolerate a collar without going into drama mode. Not even to say anything about the ruffle and hat.
I don't understand people dressing up their pets, come on. A Cat or Dog is a cat or a dog, not a toy to dress and impress.
To each their own is a good one to remember
Cat Gurus
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Now I think I could get behind this candidate. You don't have to bark to be the top dog. In our own political climate that's all this going on; a bunch of barking and yapping. A reminder not to get caught up in all the drama and hype that's going on. Just feign indifference like cats do.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
This cat's meow advises adventure, for adventure sake. Or maybe just broadening one's comfort zone. Get up and get going and see where the day may take you. You never know what might be around the next corner.
Monday, February 24, 2020
The cat's meow
This cat has it figured out and says it like it is. "?!%#..."
I would rather someone come right and say what they want to say instead of playing games and innuendo.
Wonder how the expression "cat got your tongue" originated? Maybe cause our cats know that some of what is being said is BS. I am sure Kitty realizes certain things I am saying and when it doesn't really concern her, she heads off to a quiet corner. Maybe that is the answer; no rule says we have to stick around and listen to another's bs and innuendo.
Cat Gurus
no rule says we have to listen to all the bs and innuendo of others; just walk away.
I would rather someone come right and say what they want to say instead of playing games and innuendo.
Wonder how the expression "cat got your tongue" originated? Maybe cause our cats know that some of what is being said is BS. I am sure Kitty realizes certain things I am saying and when it doesn't really concern her, she heads off to a quiet corner. Maybe that is the answer; no rule says we have to stick around and listen to another's bs and innuendo.
Cat Gurus
no rule says we have to listen to all the bs and innuendo of others; just walk away.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
The Box Obsessive
Like Cats the simplest things are usually best. Cats usually prefer a box over a expensive cat tree; same is true for me. I will take the simple comfort. We can be quickly captivated by bright shiny things, but if they have no real usefulness, are soon left to collect dust.
I just spent a week house sitting and though the home has lots of living space, most of it is used as collection spots. So much stuff, to be shuffled around to add more stuff. I will take the minimalist lifestyle any day.
Cat Gurus
Liz Faber, Caroline Roberts, Mister Peebles
I just spent a week house sitting and though the home has lots of living space, most of it is used as collection spots. So much stuff, to be shuffled around to add more stuff. I will take the minimalist lifestyle any day.
Cat Gurus
Liz Faber, Caroline Roberts, Mister Peebles
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Winter to Spring
Whew wee, ready for Spring! Another couple of cold days and this morning the cold has seeped into my bones.
Been away from home this last week, house sitting. Without the comfort of my own home and sleep deprived, the chill is taking a toll.
There are signs of change. I have noticed flocks of Geese on the wing and fields of Robins in the fallow fields. The Sun is up a few more minutes each day as her rotation shifts to give us blessings of longer sunlit days. In two more weeks we change our clocks forward one hour, seemingly giving us a longer day. Still it the returning length of day and sunshine that gives me the fortitude to hang in there. Bright Blessings.
Sue Lion Oracle Cards
Been away from home this last week, house sitting. Without the comfort of my own home and sleep deprived, the chill is taking a toll.
There are signs of change. I have noticed flocks of Geese on the wing and fields of Robins in the fallow fields. The Sun is up a few more minutes each day as her rotation shifts to give us blessings of longer sunlit days. In two more weeks we change our clocks forward one hour, seemingly giving us a longer day. Still it the returning length of day and sunshine that gives me the fortitude to hang in there. Bright Blessings.
Sue Lion Oracle Cards
Friday, February 21, 2020
One size
Why ask why? Change happens when we ask why? If the answer doesn't fit for us we can make the difference; either we change or we change the original answer to the why. One size does not fit all, nor the answer to the asked why? fit for everyone. Differences should be celebrated, not forced into conformity.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Round and Round
Returning to the same lesson time and again, until you learn it and then move on.
The Great Spiral in Life.
Wisdom of the Oracle Cards
The Great Spiral in Life.
Wisdom of the Oracle Cards
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Paper and pen please
But which book? Always following in the footsteps of our parents, teachers, men in white coats? Doing what they do, what they have done, repeating the same mistakes, and stepping in the poo they dropped along the way. Sure, some of it was pretty good advice, lots of it doesn't work with the evolution of the years.
Listen to the ancestors and adapt the good and toss the stuff that doesn't work; write your own story.
Listen to the ancestors and adapt the good and toss the stuff that doesn't work; write your own story.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Look again
1,2,3,4 Count them to remind myself just how fortunate of a gal I am. When I start to commiserate with myself over the bits of This n That, the unfairness, the lack, inconsiderate drivers, the local and worse, national news. My nerve damaged unsteady legs, the scarcity. I realize that I understand the difference of all the above. I know right from wrong. I acknowledge the abundance that I do have. That there are days that I drive haphazardly. That I can do some good to offset the crap dished out on the news. And though I have to move slower and with more caution, my legs still work. I need to look for the rainbows and the silver-lining in my clouds.
Monday. Yay! I made it another week. Let me behold this one.
Monday. Yay! I made it another week. Let me behold this one.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
To Thine Ownself
I hold loyalty as one the most important attributes of others.
I always tried to be and give my best to others, and hoped for the best from them. Sadly, I have been disappointed a lot. That disappointment I realize, at least now as I have matured somewhat, is my issue, not theirs.
I find my loyalty to myself a bit lacking. I yield a bit too much, maybe always have.
"This above all others: to thine ownself be true."
Hamlet ~ William Shakespeare
Wisdom of the Oracle Cards ~ Colette Baron-Reid
I always tried to be and give my best to others, and hoped for the best from them. Sadly, I have been disappointed a lot. That disappointment I realize, at least now as I have matured somewhat, is my issue, not theirs.
I find my loyalty to myself a bit lacking. I yield a bit too much, maybe always have.
"This above all others: to thine ownself be true."
Hamlet ~ William Shakespeare
Wisdom of the Oracle Cards ~ Colette Baron-Reid
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch.
Overmuch on the ouches. One for every sword point to pierce my mind. I was wronged at the first of the week, that was the ouie. The ouches were because I replayed it over and over and over. The person that did me wrong got more mileage out of the misdeed than they can ever know.
Who did the most wrong, me. Me to me. A lesson I keep taking over and over again; to the Tenth Power.
The Goddess Tarot ~ Kris Waldherr
Overmuch on the ouches. One for every sword point to pierce my mind. I was wronged at the first of the week, that was the ouie. The ouches were because I replayed it over and over and over. The person that did me wrong got more mileage out of the misdeed than they can ever know.
Who did the most wrong, me. Me to me. A lesson I keep taking over and over again; to the Tenth Power.
The Goddess Tarot ~ Kris Waldherr
Friday, February 14, 2020
Even in her 'down' time she is rigid. Bound by convention and expectations, this Queen of Swords sits stiffly in her garden. Does she or can she give herself some time for reprieve? Not today she doesn't.
The Goddess Tarot
The Goddess Tarot
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Traditional Card would be The Tower. Yuck.
The Wawalak, were twin sisters that through no fault of their own, were punished because they were women and their children suffered the same fate. Somehow or someone eventually intervened and they were saved and converted to Goddesses.
Sometimes we have to go through the trauma, the misery, lament in darkness, which then shows us the way out and we are better, stronger, more self-aware because of the journey. The fall from The Tower can lead to better things, and mostly that depends on the mindset. So instead of 'yuck' I might as well say "okay if I must, let's do this" and then be on my way.
The Goddess Tarot
The Wawalak, were twin sisters that through no fault of their own, were punished because they were women and their children suffered the same fate. Somehow or someone eventually intervened and they were saved and converted to Goddesses.
Sometimes we have to go through the trauma, the misery, lament in darkness, which then shows us the way out and we are better, stronger, more self-aware because of the journey. The fall from The Tower can lead to better things, and mostly that depends on the mindset. So instead of 'yuck' I might as well say "okay if I must, let's do this" and then be on my way.
The Goddess Tarot
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Sun up
"Sun is up time's at hand. There's a stir across the land. And so begins another day, on Life's highway." Steve Wariner ~lyrics.
Okay new day, new start. Trouble moving? Grab a walking stick and get yourself going. Until we draw our last breath, there are still things to do.
The Goddess Tarot
Okay new day, new start. Trouble moving? Grab a walking stick and get yourself going. Until we draw our last breath, there are still things to do.
The Goddess Tarot
Monday, February 10, 2020
The winds of change
There are moments in life that you know there needs to be change. Anxiety or excitement ramps up. Adrenaline flows through our body in preparation or anticipation. For we must change. With this Strength card coming after The Wheel, the change has occurred, and so we have to do what needs done, go where we must go, change what we must change. Some might call that Evolution. And isn't that what our lives are, evolution, changes and changing from birth to death. That in itself requires Strength.
The Goddess Tarot
The Goddess Tarot
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Do not underestimate a determined woman; well don't underestimate any of us. Though she seems dainty and dressed for Court, she carries her sword at the ready and she does know how to use it. This gal knows what she is about. There is something for each of us to do. Once realized, we proceed with confidence and assuredly.
Clarity of thought, for this typical knight of swords. Not all knights and explorers are men. Today's changing world is opening up opportunities for everyone.
The Goddess Tarot ~ Kris Waldherr
Clarity of thought, for this typical knight of swords. Not all knights and explorers are men. Today's changing world is opening up opportunities for everyone.
The Goddess Tarot ~ Kris Waldherr
Saturday, February 8, 2020
Moon shadow
"I'm being followed by a moon shadow, moon shadow, moon shadow." ~ Cat Stevens
February's Snow Full Moon is tomorrow.
There is about an inch of snow on the ground today, but it will all begone tomorrow. Still I can envision her glow bouncing off the snow, making the all the world glistening and bright. The Full Moon is full of magic and mystery. A moment to pause and remind myself that there will always be wonders to behold.
The Green Witch Tarot ~ Ann Moura
February's Snow Full Moon is tomorrow.
There is about an inch of snow on the ground today, but it will all begone tomorrow. Still I can envision her glow bouncing off the snow, making the all the world glistening and bright. The Full Moon is full of magic and mystery. A moment to pause and remind myself that there will always be wonders to behold.
The Green Witch Tarot ~ Ann Moura
Friday, February 7, 2020
By rote
Day by day we do what we must. By hook or by crook.
A placard I save has the following:
Do your work
Collect your pay
Go home.
Some jobs or efforts are like that, by rote we do what needs to be done. Yes it can get boring, that's why normally the Seven of Swords has us trying to get away with something; being mischievous and getting up to no good.
The Green Witch Tarot
A placard I save has the following:
Do your work
Collect your pay
Go home.
Some jobs or efforts are like that, by rote we do what needs to be done. Yes it can get boring, that's why normally the Seven of Swords has us trying to get away with something; being mischievous and getting up to no good.
The Green Witch Tarot
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Well the house is clean and the silver is polished, now what. Going through the motions is tedium and boring. Do I continue to sit around and dither in my indifference or take an opportunity and try something different. Stuck is Stuck, and no one can get you on the move but you.
The Green Witch Tarot
The Green Witch Tarot
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Changing of the guard
Since picking up my first Tarot deck I have always identified myself as a Queen of Pentacles and her as my significator card. I have gone through stages of the other peoples in the Elements, Earth, Air, Water, Fire, always returning to the Queen of Pentacles. This Queen of Pentacles has taken a respite in her garden reflecting on her years gone by. No longer on a throne, she is now the dowager and can relax.
Long in years, I never felt comfortable actually as a Queenly type. I have led because the position was hoisted on me. The yoke never fit as I was never a princess; more like Cinderella. Can I now relax? Tend to myself in my own garden, "in my own little corner in my own little chair and be whatever I want to be"
The Green Witch Tarot
Long in years, I never felt comfortable actually as a Queenly type. I have led because the position was hoisted on me. The yoke never fit as I was never a princess; more like Cinderella. Can I now relax? Tend to myself in my own garden, "in my own little corner in my own little chair and be whatever I want to be"
The Green Witch Tarot
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
These two cards jumped from the deck this morning, so I believe they have something to say to me. What I am not sure of yet. They are representative of difference ends of the spectrum. One young and confident and the other not, is lost and adrift.
I am going to think on them through-out my day and let me talk to me about it.
I am going to think on them through-out my day and let me talk to me about it.
Monday, February 3, 2020
A little green goes a long way
Well look, a visit from The Fool dressed up as the Green Man. I had a little bounce in my step yesterday; enjoying the blessing of a sunny and warm Winter's day and an additional gift of the same today. There are still lots of cold days ahead; the respite will help me hold on for those days of Spring and lots of sunlight and wonderful warmer weather. I did put my bare-feet to ground yesterday and will again today, and dance a little dance.
I am sure any neighbors watching will think, 'is she being foolish' when they could come out and join me in celebration.
The Green Witch Tarot
I am sure any neighbors watching will think, 'is she being foolish' when they could come out and join me in celebration.
The Green Witch Tarot
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Celebrate the little moments as well as the big ones. We forget to acknowledge the little blessings we receive each day. A sunbeam, hawk on the wing, a found penny, a delicious apple.
The little things add up.
The Green Witch Tarot ~ Ann Moura
The little things add up.
The Green Witch Tarot ~ Ann Moura
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The Wish
Today in a couple of hours we are having a birthday breakfast with goodbye salutations. My beloved niece is leaving for Chicago to begin her next adventure in life. Starting a new job in her field and joining her significant other, I am wishing them the best. She has been a bright blessing in my life and I have always encouraged her to be her own person and reach for the stars. There is about nine of us gathering this morning together for her send off celebration and a few days early, birthday, celebration. I am happy for her.
Also for me, because now I have someone to visit in Chicago and take me out for world-renown pizza.
Chinese Tarot ~ Jui Guoliang
Also for me, because now I have someone to visit in Chicago and take me out for world-renown pizza.
Chinese Tarot ~ Jui Guoliang
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Be Well
My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...
My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...
Confucius as the card of Judgement confuses me. He appears more likely The Hierophant. I remember in my younger days there were a bunch ...
From the booklet ~ Traditional card: The Hermit, keywords - meditation, withdrawal, introspection. I have had this deck for a number of...