Maybe I will sit under the Full Moon and view it from a different perspective tonight.
Scorpio Sea Tarot
Perhaps I have always known everything important but will need a lifetime to discover what I know. Tarot and Oracles offer me guides and sign posts to help me along my way.
Maybe I will sit under the Full Moon and view it from a different perspective tonight.
Scorpio Sea Tarot
It's in the details. Think that person is overly opinionated. You might be right. Those Knights of Swords are literally three moves ahead of you. Like a game of chess, they do not make a random move. They have studied the situation from every side and factored in the randomness of others and circumstances and just about have it all figured out. They excel at the, practice makes progress to practice makes perfect... You better be on your game if you want to match wits with a Knight of Swords.
Scorpio Sea Tarot
After extricating myself from the tangled mess I got myself into, portrayed in yesterday's Eight of Swords, I am home to rest and recover. I may not have the shiny castle or even a lovely cottage by a pond, but what I have is mine. Well, mine and Kitty's. I am grateful for home. I think even more so in these coming days when we will all go in lockdown again and the coming months of winter. Time to finish preparing for the months ahead, books, and food, and chocolate and tp. A hair cut before lockdown and also treats for Kitty.
Scorpio Sea Tarot
This cat is a lot different looking than the kitty as the Fool a few days ago.
I never enjoyed fishing. For one thing too boring sitting in a boat or on the bank and waiting and waiting. I am sure for some there is sport and technique to it, but waiting to rip and tear a hapless fish from the water doesn't seem like much fun to me. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime, gave me a different lesson. I did not want to fish, but needed to find a way to feed and take care of me, a lesson of the Ace. I learned different skill sets. Now as an aging Page I need to learn a new trade or past-time. Sitting in a boat ain't it, but something else, modified and enjoyable. The learning of which is the true benefit.
Scorpio Sea Tarot
I now can say and accept that I am semi-retired. Still working on wrapping my mind around the fact that I do not want and to be honest cannot work full-time; this from a girl/gal/woman that has worked at something for many a year. Papergirl at eleven to thirteen, worked the corn fields fourteen-fifteen, restaurant work for many a years and then on and on. So what to do with this extra time? What is on my to-do list which has now changed as my body has changed from age and trauma? Knowing I cannot do them all, at least not all at the same time; what is the one thing I can do that will that will influence my opportunity to do the others?
The Scorpio Sea Tarot
"Our kitten has been stalking this butterfly for a while. She's been patient, sneaky, and determined. Just as her paws are about to close--- oh, hey, would you look over there. Focus broken, new adventure spotted." ~ from the accompanied book by Melissa Cynova
We have all done this, started one thing and somewhere down the line find ourselves scratching our head in befuddlement, wondering how and when did we get sidetracked. Life is a grand adventure, we just forgot to enjoy ourselves along the way. Sure we might misstep and end up in a heap at the bottom of the fall, but there is a new adventure even there. Live today, tomorrow is its own adventure.
Scorpio Sea Tarot - Maggie Stiefvater & Melissa Cynova
I awoke from an unsettling dream. Drama and decisions to be made, reminding me to thinking about what is important versus what makes me feel important. In the dream I was convinced that I was needed and there was a part of me that knew I should decline, I was persuaded and as things unraveled and chaos erupted, I was staring out of a window with a vista view of the unraveling and thought to myself, I should have stayed home with those I love. Self importance, who needs it.
The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
Can we ever just "just rest on our laurels?" When is enough enough? Reflection takes us to tweaking, tweaking takes us to adjustments, adjustments changes what we started. Then we pause and in reflection we start tweaking, adjusting, changing. What a cycle.
A friend of mine in counseling, 7 years now, mentioned a - 'Trace It, Face It, Erase It, Replace It' line of action her therapist is working with her on. I told her that doesn't work, not really, We can never erase our foundations, they are fundamentally part and parcel of who we are. We can Trace It and Face it, from there we have to Accept and Forgive and move on. But hey I didn't go to four to seven years of higher education on counseling, so what do I know?
The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
If you made a deal for security can you ever be rid of the burden of "why did I do that?" Holding on for that elusive day when things will balance out and I will be free to roam. Do you hold tight for just a bit longer or cut your losses and move on? I am trying to think of advice that I would give another in very difficult situation and then do that for me.
The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
Realizing and accepting that a good bit of what goes on is beyond our control. Our reaction and response is what we do have control of. I drew the Hermit in my Yearly spread back in January, which feels a lot longer than ten months ago. Today I think The Hermit is here to remind me to reflect and review those begone days. My mind is a bit quieter since I made a change a couple of weeks ago. In my reflection time I wish to search and decide what I replace that time with; not fill my mind and thoughts of what ifs and worry. Harmony with myself and the World are more lofty goals.
Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
Today the King looks like he had enough of all the emotional turmoil, got in his chair and floated down river. Sometimes too much is too much. Even for the King of the suit. Turn off the t.v., sign out of social media, refuse to discuss all the crappola going on. The last couple of days have been rainy, thank goodness, it had been weeks. Nothing more relaxing than listening to the rain. A bit of respite to sort it all out. Then back to the fray.
The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
I have had a difficult time getting my post to post. This is my fourth attempt at it. Six more tries and I will have the Ten of Wands challenge. I could just skip for the day, lay the challenge to the side and be done with it, but here I am back again. Do we use excuses not to get those day to day tasks done? Are my excuses holding me back or clouding my vision of what I would still like to do or get done? Not sure, but ready to chuck the whole bundle of shoulda, woulda, coulda and have me a long, leisurely stroll to my final destination. At sixty-three and counting if it ain't done by now why worry about it.
The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
Perhaps the Page is me from the wounded, almost defeated place represented in the Ten of Swords. Now risen from my turmoil and capable of seeing things more clearly. Do we really need to put ourselves through the test of the Swords to get to this place? To look back and see all the discord and anguish to arrive in the revelation of our own truths?
Could the truth be that we are not so much going through difficult times but are making our time difficult?
The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
Do we need to give ourselves permission to have a good day? Sometimes I think so. Granted. Give yourself a good day. Enjoy the day. I have been repeating that quote that was shared with me "Today I am the youngest I will be for the rest of my life." Today is a good day to have a good day. Tomorrow too. First things first.
The Good Tarot
Where is the rush? Why the rush? We are all headed in the same direction, eventually. I admit I ran fast and hard a lot of my younger years, these days, slower and more mindful are the precept of my actions. I want to enjoy more of the day, each day, instead of asking myself, where did the time go?
"Take time to make time, make time to be there" Lady by Little River Band.
The Good Tarot
The work that only I can do; Me working on Me. I had an appointment yesterday and as I set there listening to the client, I realized how hard he was trying to prove that he knew more, did more, just more, more better than others. Seventy-Nine years old and still trying to prove himself. What? Why? Seventy-Nine is an accomplishment on its own. Lately I have encountered more of this same need to prove self-worth from many others. Is the only way to prove our betterness is to prove others lack? Making others wrong does not make us right. A lesson I have learned and continue to work on. Me working on me is the best use of my time.
The Good Tarot
Is Honesty the best policy? There is no getting around this Queen. She knows the truth, even if you are not ready to face it. She is here to remind me that every action is a choice. If I wonder how I got where I am at, I only have to look and see the choices I have made. Knowing this, one can get stuck in the mire of indecision, which itself is a choice. Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way comes to mind.
The Good Tarot
I would say for the most part, Queens know who they are and also for the most part know what they are about. Same thing you say, not necessarily. We all can get lost from time to time, drift away and lose focus. We can still act the part and get away with the deception; that is with others, not ourselves. Can we shake off the pretense and work on self-discovery? Pull away all the post-it-notes that we stick on ourselves for the elusive 'one-day'? Acknowledge the fear and the desire of the journey and get on with it?
The Good Tarot
That little niggling feeling that takes hold and leads us to... revelation, discovery, an epiphany. We all get them, sometimes we dismiss those feelings and later wish we had listened to the guiding influence of our intuition. A feeling to go left, not right. Stay home, not go out. To proceed with caution. The internal compass that leads us in the right direction.
The Good Tarot ~ Colette Baron Reid.
Somedays the only thing you can do is Breathe. Take it easy and drift on the currents.
Wisdom of the Oracle ~ Colette Baron-Reid
Peace. Freedom from disturbance. Much of our lives our based on change and chaos and the dream of peace eludes us. We are human and change is part of our process. Peace can be held for a time but then we must continue to move from birth to death.
Wisdom of the Oracle
I am not a believer that all of my life has been preordained. We have the gift of free will, choice. I do believe there are some things, missions, or situations we choose to experience while Earth bound, but our actions and reactions to those lessons are ours. Right, left, or straight ahead. Eight years ago I was at that junction. I could have chosen to go ahead and left the planet, stay and wallow in misery, or get up and continue. The only choice I could not make is go back. I was at that place on the road because it was where I needed to be, to learn a lesson(s).
Each day in one way or another we make choices that The Fates have no control over. Me, Myself and I. I choose.
The Wisdom of the Oracle
What a loaded question, Why? Why ask why, can lead you through a door of wonder and delight or a wallowing pool. Why can lead you down the rabbit hole where up is down and down is up. Sometimes we are asked, What is your Big Why? I tell you somedays the why is just get me through this day and the next. My why changes with days and the questions and challenges that come my way. And there are times that it is best not to ask why and just move along.
Why is one of those eternal questions we ask ourselves during the journey: Who, What, When, Where, Why.
Wisdom of the Oracle
Not sure what to do next, where to start? With the basics is always a good option. No matter what goes on in life there are always the everyday things that need to be done. They anchor us. Simple things like "Chop Wood, Carry Water"
I keep hearing within me:
"Let's start at the very beginning. A very good place to start. When you read you begin with ABC. When you sing you begin with Do Re Mi, Do Re Mi (from the movie- Sound of Music) one of my most favorite movies of all time. Might just pull that movie out and let it play in the background of my day.
Wisdom of the Oracle, Colette Baron-Reid
Go the Distance. Best to check in with motives that are best for oneself. Not what others think you should do. What society expects of you. Not even what might balance the checkbook. What is in our own best interest?
I may not vomit every morning in dread of the day, but the sleepless nights tossing with worry is taking its toll. I count "Fifty Ways" to say done, finito, quit, adios, enough is enough. Every month I say one more month. Can I go the distance for one more month? Time will tell.
Wisdom of the Oracle
I have been thinking about all the exchanges that routinely go on in my life. There is a natural flow in the Universe of giving and receiving. Nature is one of the biggest examples. Trees, they give oxygen and get our carbon dioxide. It's when the flow of give and take gets out of balance that things go hinkey.
One of the biggest things I have an issue with for myself and I have done lots of work on it and still more to go is the giving of the benefit of doubt.
My R & R today is Rest and Review. I think I need to review my home and do some prep for the upcoming winter months. I have a lovely story to finish that I started reading yesterday. The weather is chilly so snuggled in my nest is the best place for me to be. Timeouts can be fortifying or frightening. We choose.
The Gaian Tarot
I have always enjoyed apples; oranges not so much. I am apple girl, a child of Nature. What works for me may not for another, the gloriousness of individuality. Remember. Remember who we are.
The Gaian Tarot
Companions can come in many shapes and sizes. Kitty has been a bright blessing in my life. During these days of chaos and pandemonium I am glad she decided to share the journey with me. There are a few others that enrich my life as well and I appreciate them because they too bring comfort and joy to my life. The relationship that has become the most interesting is the one I have with myself. Staying home as much as I do, I have begun to listen to myself and slowly let go of the critical voice that nags at me and listen to the voice that encourages. Me, myself and I is the relationship I am now most committed to.
The Gaian Tarot
My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...