Thursday, October 8, 2020

Spin, Weave, Cut


I am not a believer that all of my life has been preordained.  We have the gift of free will, choice. I do believe there are some things, missions, or situations we choose to experience while Earth bound, but our actions and reactions to those lessons are ours. Right, left, or straight ahead. Eight years ago I was at that junction. I could have chosen to go ahead and left the planet, stay and wallow in misery, or get up and continue. The only choice I could not make is go back. I was at that place on the road because it was where I needed to be, to learn a lesson(s).  

Each day in one way or another we make choices that The Fates have no control over.  Me, Myself and I.  I choose.

The Wisdom of the Oracle

1 comment:

Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...