Sunday, Memorial Day Weekend, the unofficial start to Summer. A few weeks back I imagined taking the Summer off, a lovely Summer vacation. Stepping back from work and worries, the everyday do this and that things. Recently I feel blogging is another routine to check off my daily list so I am going to take a hiatus. Like work, I will still do a few things but vacations are stepping back and setting yourself adrift
Perhaps I have always known everything important but will need a lifetime to discover what I know. Tarot and Oracles offer me guides and sign posts to help me along my way.
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Friday, May 28, 2021
3 cheers for home
Water Water everywhere and not a drop to drink.
We have available everything we need, and it still does not satisfy us. Dorothy discovered it was in her own backyard.
The Celestial Tarot
Thursday, May 27, 2021
Cast off the shroud of insecurity and do what you want to do. Is this temptation, a devil may care attitude? A trait of Capricorn is discipline, a rule follower? And that may be true, so for as that many cappies have self-confidence issues. They measure their steps in the imprints along the path left by others. It is when they stop in those tracks, hearing the music of their soul that people wander, 'what in the devil got into them' ?
I can no longer follow the path, my gait has changed. My stride has changed and I can no longer place my feet along previous steps. I can continue to bemoan this or choose to accept the difference and forge a new path. Maybe a bit of devil may care attitude is exactly what is called for.
The Celestial Tarot
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
New ideas can take us places or confuse and leave us swimming in circles of indecision.
Best laid plans often go awry.
Celestial Tarot
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Positive expectation
Positive expectations need action to get results. The Ace of Pentacles can deliver, with some assistance. In order to grab the 'brass ring' you got to get up from the chair.
Celestial Tarot
Monday, May 24, 2021
Got something to say, say it. The things we say and do always have a witness. Even if no one is around, we hear ourselves.
Those symbols of Taurus and Saturn interest me. Maybe a lover of words spoken in measured terms.
The Celestial Tarot
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Saturday, May 22, 2021
Impractical Idea
Impractical ideas. Got a love 'em. We have them scattered throughout our days, dismissing most because of their unrealistic nature. With my approach to these later days of life maybe a directional change is needed, Go with one of those impractical ideas instead of allowing my cautious nature, and see where it takes me.
The Fairy Tarot
Friday, May 21, 2021
Consideration Point
Some new information may come our way today as the Zodiac moves into Gemini. New bits of information may or may not be pertinent to us, always a good thing to check it out. I have heard the phrase "stranger than fiction" several times in the last few days. Truths revealed can be stranger than expected.
Fairy Tarot
Thursday, May 20, 2021
The secrets we hold
Instinctive Intelligence. Is that the same as Intuition.? There are some things that we know. No rhyme or reason, just know. Intuition? A buried remembrance? Ancestral? The Akashic Field or Records have all the information from Time Immortal. I wonder if that is the book the High Priestess holds? Do we hold all that information within our billions of cells? We are a book of Life. Ours.
The High Priestess
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Difficult choosing when your mental energy is in a state of flux. Yes no. This that. Left right. Up down. Yee gads. No choice can be an option, but then where will I be?
"If you always do what you always done, then you'll always get, what you've always got" ~ Henry Ford.
Fairy Tarot
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Got nothing. Think, think, think and nothing comes to you. You can study a problem all day long and still have no answer to the query. Traditionally this card would be the Page of Cups, may indicate going with what feels right. Feeling, thinking, doing, and still answers elude me.
Fairy Tarot
Monday, May 17, 2021
Happy dance
Big or small, celebrate those moments when everything seemingly comes together and The World seems wonderous. Actually the World is always wonderous, but there are days when it seems not. Today is for joining the World Dancer and enjoy.
Fairy Tarot Cards Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Well dang it
Well dang it, not a winner. 😕 About a month ago I had a dream that I still remember because May 16th was indicated as a day to look for a "windfall." Well heck. Not the lottery. Another ticket with not even a number matching the draw numbers. I will have to say I enjoyed the scenarios that I played out in my head, I would have enjoyed holding a winning ticket even more. But c'est la vie.
Out of Pocket Oracle
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Cast it off
Pluto Retrograde. Turning inwards and doing some of the internal work and letting go of things that don't work for us. Pluto, Ruler of the Underworld, or our Unconscious. Planets really do not go backward, the movement is just a perception from our Earthly vantage point. Pluto, so distant out there and yet influenced by the gravitational pull of our Sun. Same with our unconscious. Out of sight but always influencing our daily lives. Letting go of some of the old thoughts and lifestyle choices is difficult, but needed. Like the snake shedding her skin, a uncomfortable fit must be cast off.
CELTIC Lenormand
Friday, May 14, 2021
Leave it outside
Safe place, Home. Is it though? I work in home sales that currently is out of control. Watching the tv and witnessing the clutch of hysteria of those who thought they would have to stay home because of lack of gasoline for their cars, insane. Home can be a safe place, but first I must guard against the access I allow the world to enter, be it tv, internet, gossip, or the hurtful words of others. Can I shut the world worries out, maybe not all of it. I can limit my exposure.
CELTIC Lenormand
Thursday, May 13, 2021
At a loss
At a loss for words? find comfort in the the natural world. To help myself heal, full immersion in Nature's wonder and not despondency is my way forward. I remember a poem quoted in the movie GI Jane.
"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself." D.H.Lawernce
CELTIC Lenormand
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Word Wounds
Retreat and revitalize. I have a tendency to retreat when things seemingly go sideways in my life. I am hurt, wounds not visible to others. Inflicted by words, Word Wounds. Word wounds are little slices of ache and pain, inflicted by others and yes sometimes by oneself. Forget the old nursey rhyme of sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Not true. Words can cut deep.
CELTIC Lenormand
Monday, May 10, 2021
Brown haze
Nagging little bits of this n that. Can we remove those things that undermine our lives? Doubt, fear, anger, loss. Sure there are other things, but if the foundation of our days is fundamentally marred. Can we remove those things that hide in our shadows?
CELTIC Lenormand.
Sunday, May 9, 2021
I cannot decide if this pairing is a warning to not forget the key to the front door and remember to lock when I leave. Which I always do. Or a Key of Wisdom to help unlock those secrets locked away in my subconscious. Or maybe I will be presented with a key today to that will give me some guidance that will help me continue my way to my ultimate destination.
Key(noun) a small piece of metal with incisions cut to fit the wards of a particular lock, which when inserted into lock and turned, opens it.
Key(adjective) of paramount or crucial importance.
CELTIC Lenormand - Chloe McCracken and Will Worthington
Saturday, May 8, 2021
No. No you can't do that. Not for you. Probably shouldn't. Be careful. You are making a mistake. Stop, you can't. No, no, no, no.
All the layers of fear that are laid on us, from birth and continuing. Limitation, a word that was called out to me in the night, last night. It still buzzes in my frontal lobe. I would go out and howl my frustration at the Moon tonight, but wait, there is Chinese rocket space debris falling to the Earth, which might just land on me. More careful consideration.
Does all that cautionary advice help or hinder?
The Fountain Tarot
Friday, May 7, 2021
Sneaky thief
Take away five and you have two. Sometimes when caught up in a difficult situation, if we can think back to how we might of got there; we can help ourselves find a solution. What did we refuse to look at in the Two of Swords, hence compounding a troublesome situation. We can't ignore away a problem. The problem just gets larger, at least in our mind. Stealing away our time on fixation. Just do it, take care of it before it becomes, more...
The Fountain Tarot
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Formidable force
This depiction of The Wheel reminds me of that Acceleration Sphere used in the movie 'Contact' that opened a Worm-Hole for travel. A spin on the Wheel can feel the same; a formidable force when activated moves us on a different trajectory in our life. Sometimes the only control we have to a changing direction is our own reaction. We make it good, great, or not so good. How we think about a thing is the remembered impression. Life, a spin on The Wheel of Fortune.
The Fountain Tarot
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
The 'Once-Over'
Those damn 'once-over' looks that you seemingly get from others, Is it all in our heads or are they really judging us as they pass us by? I am experiencing increasing issues with my legs because of the previous trauma I endured. Why should I care what others think of my awkward gate? Yet I do. It has been challenging during my fading days in my sales career, because yes, we are judged a bit by those first impressions. A lesson for me, for us all, to view everyone with a bit of compassion instead of the judgemental "Once-Over.'
The Fountain Tarot
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Those moments that we are in-sync with another or better yet ourselves. Like-mindedness; when most of us are independent in our thoughts and actions. There are times though that sometime clicks. The affinity and rapport with another in thought, feeling, action is a moment worth celebrating. Maybe just a 'witnessing' moment. Validation sometimes is the thing needed most.
The Fountain Tarot
Monday, May 3, 2021
Alternative approach
Focus on the issue at hand. When there are moments of doubt and the odds seem unsurmountable, stop collect yourself, take a step back and view the obstacle from a different view point. Then you may find the way forward, the next grip-hold. Does every problem have a solution? The solution may be to readjust the direction you were taking. Taking a different tack. Kings always know their direction; though it could be disguised with a bit of puffery.
The Fountain Tarot
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Take 'em as they come
Good day sunshine! The Sun revisits, I am a lucky gal, basking in the light. Reminds me to take the good days and don't second guess them. If they come in a bunch, enjoy. Happy SUNday!
Saturday, May 1, 2021
May Day
May Day! Victory over Winter. Spring is fully ensconced. Timing in my region to plant your flowers; anytime before now is still subject to freezing overnight temperatures.
I see Strength as the Eighth Major, hence the change on the card. Strength is needed after a cavorting Chariot ride. With Spring, time to work on our endurance after lazing away on those winter day and this Spring, covid.
Happy Beltane.
Be Well
My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...
My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...
Confucius as the card of Judgement confuses me. He appears more likely The Hierophant. I remember in my younger days there were a bunch ...
From the booklet ~ Traditional card: The Hermit, keywords - meditation, withdrawal, introspection. I have had this deck for a number of...