Thursday, April 29, 2021

More, more, more, well not necessarily


Oh goody, The Sun. My emotional thermostat lifts when the draw is the Sun. Promises of a happy day where everything goes my way.  Those promises of wonder and joy, happiness and delight when the Sun lights my day. Maybe I should start a deck of just Suns, and give myself sunny days everyday. Life would be so much easier knowing that everyday is a day of happiness and joy. Yeah, no. We have to turn the light switch off at night to get some sleep. Too much Sun and we can end of up Sunstruck or Sunburnt.  Best to enjoy my sunny day and let tomorrow take care of tomorrow.

The Fountain Tarot


  1. I think a collection of Suns and Moons would be nice. :) Hope your day is delightful.

  2. I practically have a deck of moons, have been collecting them for years.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...