Who do we think we are fooling when we engage in trickery? We get away with nothing. Our own higher-self, the we of we, our silent-witness, sees and knows. The transgression weighs on us, it is scratched on the background continual recorder that plays memories; that loop that has been recording since we gasped our first breath. In the quiet moments we replay those - would of, should of, could of. We wonder, when we lost our way, lost our wallet, lost a friend, if indeed it was a balancing moment. Things have a way of catching up with us. Best bet, just do the right thing and then you don't have to wonder or look over our shoulder for whatever we think is going to catch us. We caught our own-self and that is who we really answer to.
Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
My conscience is my worst enemy whenever I do or consider doing something that goes against my values. Indeed, we do catch ourselves!