Saturday, February 27, 2021



The High Priestess with her secret keeping eludes me with her subtle, knowing gaze. What does she see when she looks at me? What do I see when I look within me?  I am most drawn to the tapestry of foliage behind her as she floats upon the water. It corresponds with my own observation of a few days ago, that I am drawn to the forest and the sea. In my wavering focus I saw the Sea-Goat, significator for Capricorn take form. I wonder if that is why I am drawn to those natural places?

The Gaian Tarot

Friday, February 26, 2021

Focused awareness


From time to time we really need to ask ourselves where is our awareness focused? For the last, year most of us have focused on the pandemic and all the ensuing chaos of discontent and fear. This Knight of Cups gives us an example of how to disconnect and tune into ourselves. Something, some activity, some purpose that tunes out the continual onslaught of discord.  That place where only the moment exists, The Now.  That is worth exploring.

The Gaian Tarot

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Might is Right


'Might is Right' is what I keep hearing when looking at this card. Typically this would be the King of Swords, a truth-sayer, an emissary of Lady Justice. This King's rightness is in doing what you were born to do. King's rule by supposedly divine right, the thing is we all have a divine right to be who we were/are meant to be. The problem, most never hear the song of their souls and turn to others for directional perspective.  The soft, gentle wisdom of this King, I would listen to.

Gaian Tarot

Wednesday, February 24, 2021



Yesterday we were gifted with a rather Springy day. Warmer temperatures and bright sunshine; a welcomed relief from the bitter cold, snow and ice of several weeks. I went to the park, and walked just a bit and then found a bench and basked in the Sun and warmth. Before I left, I asked a tree for a hug and leaned in and relaxed.  I can search the world over and always find home in a wooded place and trees for my company. I wonder sometimes how I can be so comfortable in the woods and also the ocean? My guess, both can wrap me in a natural embrace.

The Gaian Tarot

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

3 pens and a ream of paper


Sometimes revisiting those occasions of pain and sorrow are more painful than the initial piercing.  The causal review also is tempered with the effects of days, weeks, years later.  Journaling can be a good way to sort out the actual from the shadowed perception. It hurts any which way you go.

Gaian Tarot

Monday, February 22, 2021


Ever been here. Plans made; ready, set, go and then somewhere we took a misstep that lead to another and then another.  "Best laid plans of mice and men often go awry."  So what the heck, many who start never end where they planned.  Covid crisis? Couldn't see that one coming.  

I need to remind myself, it is not the destination, since we are all heading to the same fateful end, it is the journey. Enjoy it while I can. Even with all the twists and turns. Missing sign posts. Maps not updated.  All kinds of "Oh My!" along the way. Pack an extra sandwich and bottle of water, flashlight, and an Ace band-aid for the twisted ankle and get started.

Gaian Tarot

Sunday, February 21, 2021

All In


Earth, Air, and today Water, three daily draws of Tens.  Yesterday's post of my indecision to draw to the tens, search for a flush, or fold the hand, now reveals to me, to have held the tens. Go with the sure thing.  I have done that most of my life, and the sure thing has surely held me back and yet also has gotten me to 64, another ten, 6+4=10.  Three daily draws of tens, reminds me of all those dimes I kept finding last year. Change is upon me, The Wheel turns. Another phase of my life is passing and a new to begin.  I am ready to rejoin the game of Life, well almost. Working on shaking those winter blues.

Gaian Tarot ~ Joanna Powell Colbert

Saturday, February 20, 2021

I'll take 3


What a soft interpretation for the Ten of Swords.

Yesterday I drew the Ten of Pentacles, today the Ten of Swords.  If I were playing poker, I would toss 3 cards and keep the pair of Tens. Tens hint at a decision to be made. Easy choice, keeping the 2 tens and drawing 3 more in 5 Card Draw Poker.  But what if the other 3 cards that were dealt were more swords(spades)?  That choice would be more challenging; keeping the pair or try to draw in to a Flush.  I have such a fearful association with the Ten of Swords, I would probably fold the hand, even with a pair of tens. So for today, no decision would most likely be my best decision.

Spiritsong Tarot ~ Paulina Cassidy

Friday, February 19, 2021



In the last couple of weeks I have been watching 'Boston Legal' a tv show that was on 2005-2009. Never watched then, but the show is streaming on Prime and I have time during these covid-winter days. Yesterday one of the episodes was based on a Katrina incident and in the closing argument, the lawyer, Alan Shore, stated that a friend of his while fleeing New Orleans in the aftermath of the hurricane, saw a dead man lying on side of road and was being eaten by an alligator. I did not find an article on the web specifically mentioning that, but it could have and probably did happen. The image sticks with me. What does an alligator eating a human have to do with the Ten of Pentacles, beats me? The artistry of this deck is beautiful, but not much to do with the tarot. Still an alligator allegory yesterday and a draw of one today is too much of a coincidence to let pass. 

Spiritsong Tarot

Thursday, February 18, 2021



Yesterday the Moon, today The Sun. I have been a bit of Sun and Moon collector. I have pictures, plaques, and trinkets of them around my home. Always drawn to the images. I wonder what speaks to me about these icons?

Spiritsong Tarot

Wednesday, February 17, 2021



I am lost within the labyrinth of this card. Meanings race across the vision board of my mind. Moon Magic. Owl Magic. Night Musings. Luna's call to me. Imagination of winged flight? Wisdom. Those immense eyes that miss nothing. The Moon in Tarot. The Moon in Astrology. I am a city gal, been so for many a year. Grew up in a rural setting. I miss sitting out under the night sky and enjoying a lovely conversation with the Moon during these cold, wintery days. I think I miss the quiet of the night in a less populated environment even more in these later nights of my life. I have not heard the soft, whimsical hoot of an owl in the deep of the night in many a years. I miss the soft caress of  the moonlight. Owl's wisdom recommends a change in my path.

The Spiritsong Tarot

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Tune in


The Winter's white is all encompassing outside my window. Movement only found in the dance of drifting snowflakes. Frozen silence, yet still, there is the heartbeat of The Earth below, if I listen well and true. Lately I seem to be like those snowflakes adrift on the wind. The Queen reminds me that in my silence to tune in and listen truly to the beat of my own heart.

Spiritsong Tarot

Monday, February 15, 2021

Plus One


I never had a plus one in my life; I gave it less than a half-hearted attempt maybe once or twice. I just never could comprehend spending the remainder of my days, whether fifty years or five with one person. Yes, the loneliness can at times be consuming, but there have been compensations. Family and friends, books and adventures, and now Kitty, have been my companions through my days, I am okay with that.  Life never came with a guarantee. 

"One never knows how much of the journey will be alone." - Arushka, The Romanoffs, Season One, Episode One

Spiritsong Tarot

Sunday, February 14, 2021



........ still in thinking mode.

Spiritsong Tarot ~ Paulina Cassidy

Saturday, February 13, 2021



Transported to dreamland. A place of illusion and fantasy. Nowhere else would one ride a panda through a garden of lanterns. The Eight of Wands takes us to places, even in our dreams. 

The Good Tarot ~ Colette Baron Reid.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Truth be told


So she says to me, " unhappy, get up and do something about it. Begin with something and go from there. Sitting around in a pile of whine will not get you anywhere."  So I say, "but it's winter and cold. Been iced in for days and more on the way. I have every right to whine and complain." The Queen gives me a not so silent harrump, "your righteous right to whine and complain is yours to keep or give up, you must do what is best for you, but no complaining about the complaining." 

The Queen of Swords, truth be told.

The Good Tarot

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Lucy goosey


Fairy, friend or foe? Who are we behind the masks we wear? Do we alter our appearance and behaviors to comfort, to conform, or to deceive? Do we even know? Generational and environmental factors imprint on us to the extent that we may not really know. The suit of Swords, so much conflict. I wonder if the 'swords' in life are not so much as wounding as cutting away those things that are truly not who we are?

The Good Tarot

Wednesday, February 10, 2021



The Wilder Elder. At what point in the cycle of our days do we decide to continue as is, or change? The remaking of oneself can be uncomfortable but rewarding. The caterpillar to butterfly, metamorphosis. Leave behind what was and embrace, ah that's the issue, embrace what? The unknown. Even though the road ahead is uncertain, we must remind ourselves of the resources that we have acquired. Resilience, compassion, experience, generational knowledge, learned things, our connection with the Earth. Those, and more that will help lead us on the journey ahead.

The Good Tarot

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Wave your arms


Grab the opportunity that presents itself and follow the lighted path.  

"Opportunity can't knock if it doesn't know where you are."

The Good Tarot

Monday, February 8, 2021



I have tried several forms of inversion therapy and all I get is numb legs. The blood flow becomes limited to the legs when they are extended above the heart, and then they start to tingle from lack of oxygen.  There is a part of me that wants to be 'doing something.' I am not a perpetual motion machine, far from it, but hanging around upside down is not my way of figuring things out, or the way to wait for a revelation.  Maybe that is why The Hanged Man makes me uncomfortable and does not make sense to me.

Now I have to ask myself the question, why then, have I placed myself on a timeout?

The Good Tarot

Sunday, February 7, 2021




Lead - Follow

To Be or Not to Be

Lead - Follow - or get the heck out of the way. 

Seven options when presented with choices.

Fortitude, I can also think of another 'f '  word when it comes to choices.

The Good Tarot ~ Colette Baron-Reid

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Do what you must.


The moment of truth. Will others appreciate the completed product?

The Chinese Tarot ~ Jui Guoliang

Friday, February 5, 2021


 When seeking advice or counsel we are hopeful to find an insightful and caring individual. When we find one that just gives us canned responses as seen with this tea-leaf reader, best to just walk away.

Chinese Tarot

Thursday, February 4, 2021



Moon. Water. Emotions. Cups.

Catching some Full Moon Rays and having a sip. I wonder. February 27 I will give a try. Fill my cups with moonlight magic. Magic.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021



Recently I read a passage in a book that asked, "when if ever, was the last time you checked in with your soul?"  An interest query.  I check in with my family, my friends, my clients and customers, usually on a regular basis, but myself, hmmm.  

The Chinese Tarot

Tuesday, February 2, 2021



Resources, more than money. What investment of my time will give me the most satisfaction? Practice makes progress and repetition builds the skill set. 

The Chinese Tarot

Monday, February 1, 2021



There are daffodil sprouts out in the yard peeping through the light coat of snow we received through the night. The Promise of Spring. We are approximately at the half-way point of winter.  Daily in February about two-and-a-half minutes of additional daylight each day, and that is a reason to mark the calendar and celebrate. Imbolc also reminds me my season of rest that is becoming restlessness is coming to an end. 

There's a stir across the land.

Celtic Festival Cards ~Jacqui Lovesey

Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...