Tuesday, December 25, 2018

On Dasher...

No darting in out of traffic with this Fool.  Jump and learn to fly on the way down.  I have learned many Life's lessons this way.
Yesterday I fell and today I can really feel the aches and pains. So the most dangerous thing I will do today is eat some of the items at the pitch in dinner; some family members skills lie else where.  It's Christmas so not too much for dinner so I can indulge in Christmas Cookies.  Tomorrow I will make a run at cookie detox.
Merry Christmas.

The Fountain Tarot


  1. Oh goodness, I'm sorry that you fell but glad that your okay (other than the aches). Hope you have a lovely, relaxed day today!

  2. cookie detox!!!
    head up feet down, take care!
    I tripped and fell against the wall last week, broke three nails, and then dropped a paring knife on my toe. Life as usual here


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...