Intangible: unable to be touched or grasped, not having physical presence. Intangible. I came across this word earlier whilst reading and it appears evident in this view of the Seven of Wands. Those things that we thought were real or worthy now seem of direct contradiction to myself. The year of 2018 is at its end, as I move along and up the staircase to 2019, what are those things within me that need to be cast off and left in the old year. Lots of battles we fight are never seen by others, we keep our fear internalized. Feelings and thoughts, hopes, and despair that no longer serve. Away with you.
The Fountain Tarot
Perhaps I have always known everything important but will need a lifetime to discover what I know. Tarot and Oracles offer me guides and sign posts to help me along my way.
Monday, December 31, 2018
Saturday, December 29, 2018
I could use some this knight's energy to get me going, cause my 'get up and go, got up and went.' Maybe some foot tapping music will get me moving and grooving.
I guess knights are not always ready to be on the move, but since royalty requires it she/he does what must. So what are my musts today? Start with that and see if the momentum builds. If not I will just complete the journey of the parameter of my home.
Maybe just work on my Goals List for 2019.
The Fountain Tarot
I guess knights are not always ready to be on the move, but since royalty requires it she/he does what must. So what are my musts today? Start with that and see if the momentum builds. If not I will just complete the journey of the parameter of my home.
Maybe just work on my Goals List for 2019.
The Fountain Tarot
Friday, December 28, 2018
Balancing act
My 'center of gravity' changed six years ago. With screws in my neck my ability to swivel and tip and pitch changed. After fifty-five years I had to learn to move in a whole new way and a simple shift can throw me out of balance. Carrying things changed as well, not just the physical things but the emotional baggage too. Too often we are judged by that first appearance. Now when I see someone who is struggling, I try to look beyond the surface.
The Fountain Tarot
The Fountain Tarot
Thursday, December 27, 2018
It has been many a years that I have woke daily with childlike abandon. Seize and enjoy the day. I guess we have to put the play to the side to get things done, like concentrating on learning to walk. After that we want to do and be more, and there goes our childlike abandon. Whimsy sparks me here and there, but to dance through the days of the rest of my life....marvelous magic.
The Fountain Tarot
The Fountain Tarot
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
All those cords of color reminded me of ethernet cords, all those cable cords of different colors that connect us to the Internet and technology. Ethernet is so close in composition to Ethereal, those cords that connect us to others and the All. This Knight of Swords is a bearer of other worldly information and idealism; see there are no cords attached to the knight. He moves above. The action of the knight bears forth something from outside my consciousness. Information or reminder that I need to have.
Wait for it.
The Fountain Tarot
Wait for it.
The Fountain Tarot
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
On Dasher...
No darting in out of traffic with this Fool. Jump and learn to fly on the way down. I have learned many Life's lessons this way.
Yesterday I fell and today I can really feel the aches and pains. So the most dangerous thing I will do today is eat some of the items at the pitch in dinner; some family members skills lie else where. It's Christmas so not too much for dinner so I can indulge in Christmas Cookies. Tomorrow I will make a run at cookie detox.
Merry Christmas.
The Fountain Tarot
Yesterday I fell and today I can really feel the aches and pains. So the most dangerous thing I will do today is eat some of the items at the pitch in dinner; some family members skills lie else where. It's Christmas so not too much for dinner so I can indulge in Christmas Cookies. Tomorrow I will make a run at cookie detox.
Merry Christmas.
The Fountain Tarot
Monday, December 24, 2018
Clued in
Today this Eight of Wands feels like a guidepost. Follow the yellow lines to reach Oz. Pinpoint to where I need to head to. With all the golden rays, a promise of something wonderful. Kind of like a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
A message? Don't wait for it to come to you, get out there and find what you are searching/waiting for? Read the signs and look at the clues that are marked out for me. Kind of like Dorothy on the yellow-bricked road, as she starts her journey with toe to heal, leaving Munchin Land.
The Fountain Tarot
A message? Don't wait for it to come to you, get out there and find what you are searching/waiting for? Read the signs and look at the clues that are marked out for me. Kind of like Dorothy on the yellow-bricked road, as she starts her journey with toe to heal, leaving Munchin Land.
The Fountain Tarot
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Joy to the World
A Completed Cycle.
The World spins.
Life moves on.
One door closes another opens.
Thank goodness I get another day, to laugh, dance, eat Christmas goodies, to play with my adopted and now roommate cat, Miss Kitty, to walk in the park, count my blessings.
A New Year is in my sights from my perch on top of the World. Goody!
The Fountain Tarot
Created by Jonathan Saiz
Written by Jason Gruhl
Designed by Andi Todaro
The World spins.
Life moves on.
One door closes another opens.
Thank goodness I get another day, to laugh, dance, eat Christmas goodies, to play with my adopted and now roommate cat, Miss Kitty, to walk in the park, count my blessings.
A New Year is in my sights from my perch on top of the World. Goody!
The Fountain Tarot
Created by Jonathan Saiz
Written by Jason Gruhl
Designed by Andi Todaro
Saturday, December 22, 2018
The Fountain
The Fountain Tarot gives us one extra card, The Fountain. Outside of but yet part of the Major Arcana, similar to the Fool. Subtitled "Be"
Cosmic perfection, beyond the The World's completeness to that which is always there, the nameless, changeless, Oneness.
Can it be a door way? Something springing forth? Not sure what to make of the card. I drew it at 5:34pm yesterday to mark the Winter's Solstice and now can't decide what to make of it. A day of appraisal is at hand. Maybe I should step through the doorway...
The Fountain Tarot
Cosmic perfection, beyond the The World's completeness to that which is always there, the nameless, changeless, Oneness.
Can it be a door way? Something springing forth? Not sure what to make of the card. I drew it at 5:34pm yesterday to mark the Winter's Solstice and now can't decide what to make of it. A day of appraisal is at hand. Maybe I should step through the doorway...
The Fountain Tarot
Friday, December 21, 2018
That now This
Ego, traditional card, The Devil. Since I really don't believe in the Devil, Ego can be a good substitute. Ego gone wild instead of the Devil made me do it. So much negative connotations associated with The Ego. Ego is a good thing, it is when it consumes that issues arise. Without ego how can we express ourselves? If we are all spirit/soul entities, then Ego allows us to express individuality. To experience the World and Life from different vantage points. And like all good things Ego can be warped, misshapen, out of control. Sometimes like these fairies, we must review who and what we are and cast aside that does not work or no longer useful. Good day to do that with this being the Winter Solstice.
Fairy Tarot
I like this picture of a ladybug on a frost covered pine cone. May she be with me today and bring me a bit of "Lady-Luck"
Fairy Tarot
I like this picture of a ladybug on a frost covered pine cone. May she be with me today and bring me a bit of "Lady-Luck"
Thursday, December 20, 2018
This or That?
The caption on the bottom of card "Success that comes from dedication and self-discipline."
Lost that battle yesterday. I was caught between the twin forces of desire and determination. The desire won, even though I was determined not lose self discipline. Christmas cookies, they did me in because I let other outside pressures influence me, on more than one front. The Six of Wands yesterday had me riding into victory. I learned that over-confidence can bing you.
Today I have a carb hangover and also waning energy because I brushed up against an energy vampire.
Best get back up on the horse and ride out of the fog.
And throw away the bag of Christmas cookies that came home with me yesterday.
The Fairy Tarot
Lost that battle yesterday. I was caught between the twin forces of desire and determination. The desire won, even though I was determined not lose self discipline. Christmas cookies, they did me in because I let other outside pressures influence me, on more than one front. The Six of Wands yesterday had me riding into victory. I learned that over-confidence can bing you.
Today I have a carb hangover and also waning energy because I brushed up against an energy vampire.
Best get back up on the horse and ride out of the fog.
And throw away the bag of Christmas cookies that came home with me yesterday.
The Fairy Tarot
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Victory? I do not think this gal is interested in accolades or the laurel wreath of success. Her gaze is off center, there to right. She knows that accomplishment is an ongoing endeavor. Yes she was victorious, but the journey is not complete.
There is more to do and more to learn. Take a moment to congratulate and then get back in the saddle and continue.
Continue what? that is the real joy, we have a choice.
I have decided that Opportunity is my word for 2019.
I wonder how many secrets are within opportunity. I am going to find out.
Fairy Tarot
There is more to do and more to learn. Take a moment to congratulate and then get back in the saddle and continue.
Continue what? that is the real joy, we have a choice.
I have decided that Opportunity is my word for 2019.
I wonder how many secrets are within opportunity. I am going to find out.
Fairy Tarot
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Another card of Spring/Summer. Maybe the warmth I seek is within. Listen to the thrumming of my heart and the 98.6° internal temperature, cause other the natural gas burning in my furnace, that's where the warmth is. We get a bit of respite today with 50° and tomorrow a few degrees warmer and that's the thaw. Best get out of doors and soak up a bit of mid winter sunshine, and count out three blessings of the day. Christmas is one week and this fairy needs to change her dress to green with red piping.
Fairy Tarot Cards
Fairy Tarot Cards
Monday, December 17, 2018
Summer love
Summer, I await your return. Later this week the calendar marks the first day of Winter, the Solstice and then the Earth begins to makes her shift on her axis and our days here in the Northern Hemisphere begins to experience longer days. I do not do well in cold weather. The short days of sunlight are an even bigger challenge, so I always look forward to and celebrate the Winter's Solstice.
The Fairy Tarot
The Fairy Tarot
Sunday, December 16, 2018
I am not much of a multitasker any more. A lot of times I could juggle eight or more things at time, get them all done with few or no mistakes. Not anymore. I wonder is it a symptom of getting older? The answer is yes. Is the underlying reason because with age comes wisdom and realizing we don't need to do everything at one time, or with age our mind slows down and we just don't have the ability to do more than a few things at a time? Maybe a bit of both. These days lists are my friends. And the lists are on my desk, notes on the kitchen table, and with technology, notes on my phone; plus reminders from others to remember them and their needs and wants. Now though, I take them one thing at a time, mostly they all got done, just takes a little more time.
Wonder what new thing will be added to my list today?
The Fairy Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
Wonder what new thing will be added to my list today?
The Fairy Tarot - Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Another Prince. In this deck the princes are knights and princesses are the pages. Different yes, keeps me on my toes. Do knights get up and pirouette? When we are talking about feelings, sometimes we have to tiptoe around them and talking about them. Yesterday's prince was title "note to self" so now today I guess I have to ask myself how do I feel about my note to self. Blah, blah, blah, the knight here, says to me, "so feel what you have to feel and let's get on with it."
I looked at calendar and a week from today is the Full Moon following a few hours after the Winter's Solstice and there is a meteor shower happening this week, peaking right now. All that heavenly movement is enough to make me restless. Since we are all made of stardust, sometimes are wandering is influenced by our emotional connection to the Universe and it's constant fluctuations. Enough to make a gal twitchy. The Knight is right, 'let's get on with it.'
Celestial Tarot
I looked at calendar and a week from today is the Full Moon following a few hours after the Winter's Solstice and there is a meteor shower happening this week, peaking right now. All that heavenly movement is enough to make me restless. Since we are all made of stardust, sometimes are wandering is influenced by our emotional connection to the Universe and it's constant fluctuations. Enough to make a gal twitchy. The Knight is right, 'let's get on with it.'
Celestial Tarot
Friday, December 14, 2018
Note to self
Thinking on this Page after his/her trials of the nine and ten. Worth proven, now has the fortitude to move up to apprenticeship for Queendom or Kingdom. Thinking a thing and making it so.
"Cogito Ergo Sum" which I have used before as an explanation of the King of Wands. Who and what we are and think, are some childhood programming and some of the things we have encountered in our lives. Do we achieve or capitulate? A lot of it is determined by what we think of ourselves. We are only defeated when we give up on ourselves.
Celestial Tarot
"Cogito Ergo Sum" which I have used before as an explanation of the King of Wands. Who and what we are and think, are some childhood programming and some of the things we have encountered in our lives. Do we achieve or capitulate? A lot of it is determined by what we think of ourselves. We are only defeated when we give up on ourselves.
Celestial Tarot
Thursday, December 13, 2018
To light and warm
Is that the true purpose of fire, to light and warm? I read that recently and thought about all the other fire attributes, mostly to burn away and shape. Still Wands will give us light and warmth with their fire. When fire was discovered and harnessed somewhat, by early predecessors, the World changed. The energy of Wands can do that.
Corvus is the Genus of birds, including ravens and crows and other large flock birds. It takes a village or a murder of crows.
Birds of a feather...
Celestial Tarot
Corvus is the Genus of birds, including ravens and crows and other large flock birds. It takes a village or a murder of crows.
Birds of a feather...
Celestial Tarot
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Return Visit
Shuffling and drawing The Three of Wands again, I placed back in the deck and reshuffled and again drew the Three of Wands. The Tower followed in the deck with last draw, so I wonder. I have to put myself out there, despite risks?
Three times in a row with the Three of Wands, going to look for some triplicities today. Reminds of an old saying, 'three in a row makes the rooster crow' Some say it is a throwback idiom to the three times Peter denied the Christ. I wonder what the day will bring?
I read a thought provoking quote this morning.
"It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere." - Agnes Repplier
Celestial Tarot
Three times in a row with the Three of Wands, going to look for some triplicities today. Reminds of an old saying, 'three in a row makes the rooster crow' Some say it is a throwback idiom to the three times Peter denied the Christ. I wonder what the day will bring?
I read a thought provoking quote this morning.
"It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere." - Agnes Repplier
Celestial Tarot
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Get 'er done
Perseus's story is one we all have heard and enjoy, given several movies have be made about this demi-god. A new Avengers movie is coming out at Christmas, so many are caught and watch the on-going movies about all the super-heroes. I guess these day heroes are needed. Mostly they represent this Three of Wands energy, to out and do what needs to be done; even it is cutting off the head of Medusa. Yikes.
Celestial Tarot
Celestial Tarot
Monday, December 10, 2018
Ace of Cups day. I drew the Ace of Cups two days ago, different deck, and hoped and expected to receive a sign? Well, Saturday nothing presented itself, which in itself might be a sign. Still, drawing the Ace again reminds me to keep expecting lovely magic and wonderful things. Last night I was out at sister's home, who lives some what remotely. As I left later in the evening on a very crisp chilly night, the sky was ablaze in starlight. You see so much more on the cold, clear wintery nights, especially out away from the city lights. The constellation Ursa Minor way to the North was most likely visible.
I could fill my cup with starlight magic. Nice!
Celestial Tarot
I could fill my cup with starlight magic. Nice!
Celestial Tarot
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Sure could use a dose of sunshine today. Another cold, cloud covered day ahead. Thankfully just cold and not going to see any of the wintry mix farther south of my area. I looked to the calendar and see that in a few weeks the Winter Solstice will place a mark on the year before it ends. Climate change is real. The last few years we are now experiencing only two seasons here, Cold and Hot; almost no temperate times in-between. Nothing stays the same, change is the constant. The Sun helps us enjoy our days, we all look forward to our sunny days. The little white booklet hints at receiving some sunny something. I will look for the it today, and also hopefully, The Sun will peak out from behind the clouds this afternoon.
Celestial Tarot - Lay Steventon and Brian Clark
Celestial Tarot - Lay Steventon and Brian Clark
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Hand delivered
Looking for a sign today, or soon. Last couple of nights, or maybe a couple times last night, I dreamed of a marquee sign. One of those big across three lanes, interstate sign, that announces upcoming information. I take this Ace of Cups that something is forthcoming, some new information or foresight. And I won't have to wonder because the information will delivered right to me.
Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
Friday, December 7, 2018
Do a little dance
Each day a new day and we chose what to do with it. At the end of our day can we do a happy dance of gratitude for the day we were given? Some days yes, other days no, and still others, I didn't know where the day went. Today, just today, I will try to be mindful of my day. Tomorrow will take care of tomorrow.
You never know what good things will happen if you're brave enough to be All You, All The Time.
Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
You never know what good things will happen if you're brave enough to be All You, All The Time.
Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Strike a pose
Sometimes life us takes counter what the main stream expects. Do your own thing, speak your own truth, live your life on purpose. If it is different than others, great. Life would be a big bore if we all marched to same tune.
I keep hearing the song by Bob Seger, "Against the Wind" whilst looking at this card. Today is a good day to take a walk out in the park and let the wind blow some of these indoor cobwebs from myself.
Rider Waite-Smith
I keep hearing the song by Bob Seger, "Against the Wind" whilst looking at this card. Today is a good day to take a walk out in the park and let the wind blow some of these indoor cobwebs from myself.
Rider Waite-Smith
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Less Traveled
Lead. Follow. Or get out of the way. This is what I hear when I look at this card today. A draw of the third Major in a row today. After inner musings of the High Priestess and The Moon, outward momentum begins to take hold. The Charioteer is not moving but is prepared to go. What direction? One must put aside the inner turmoil and inertia and get behind the wheel of one's one life and get things going. Lead. Follow. Or get out of the Way.
The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
The yellow brick road
How do we choose which companion to ask us to travel the path ahead? Not knowing what may lay along the path. Whatever or whoever we choose there will be times of misgiving, second thoughts on choices. Sometimes the choice is to travel alone, and hope we meet up with those others along the way. Ultimately that is the only way; to make our own choice. It is a kinder decision. When we choose, we cannot lay the burden of outcomes on others shoulders or conscious.
I choose.
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and to do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
-Howard Thurman
Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
I choose.
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and to do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
-Howard Thurman
Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
Monday, December 3, 2018
Off Kilter
I tried to scan the High Priestess card several times and it loaded askew. So I take that as part of the card's daily suggestion. My sense of the world around me or what someone says to me today may be
out-of-sync with normalcy so I better trust my intuition and feel it through before taking it personally. Or maybe my own internal conversation will be a bit off today. A bit of caution with how I think and feel today is a good suggestion.
The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
out-of-sync with normalcy so I better trust my intuition and feel it through before taking it personally. Or maybe my own internal conversation will be a bit off today. A bit of caution with how I think and feel today is a good suggestion.
The Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Do we keep what is unique and special about ourselves locked in our private container of ourselves? That is such a personalized cup that the Queen is holding. What if I would be, could be my most authentic self all of the time. Time to open the chalice and find those bits of this n that of me that have been stored away.
Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Move along
December 1, one month and counting down till the end of 2018. Another year for the books. As I stand in my garden and contemplate the year behind should I begin to plan the year ahead? But wait there is not a a full year behind me in 2018, still thirty one days to finish up what needs to be completed. This card is a bit at odds. Painted bright yellow bodes energy and vitality; there is something about those pentacles being 'tamped down', a hooded hunter, and the slow progress of the the snail.
A reminder that things are not always as they seem.
I also find it interesting the Nine of Pentacles was my draw for October 31 and is first draw after my thirty days of Gratitude. Though I took a break in my garden of gratitude, I have to pick-up right where I left off. On-wards
Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
A reminder that things are not always as they seem.
I also find it interesting the Nine of Pentacles was my draw for October 31 and is first draw after my thirty days of Gratitude. Though I took a break in my garden of gratitude, I have to pick-up right where I left off. On-wards
Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
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Be Well
My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...
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