Friday, August 3, 2018

Weight of Time

Born and bred to be a certain something or someone.  If cast in a role at birth do we really ever truly live?  Time weighs heavy on his shoulders, on my shoulders.
I was thinking about a choice I made a half of lifetime ago and it still weighs heavy. Most of the time I accept my life and choices but wonder sometimes at those certain points along the way what if... Of course I would be different and most likely not sitting here pondering the subject.  Who really knows. For today, given a choice, I will try to stretch my mind and follow the thread of each choice to see where it might lead before I make the decision.

The Good Tarot


  1. identical posts this morning. I often think of people who are groomed from birth to be something. I'd run screaming from the world...

  2. It's hard to break the mold we were formed in.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...