Tuesday, August 7, 2018


This exploding volcano is like a Tower, though I think a Tower moment is when something external affects our lives.  This is a  self-created 'tower' moment.  We have all had those moments when reason is lost and we 'just blow our tops' - well at least I do.  It has been many years for me to have such an event. The massive Tower event in 2012 that I experienced changed my landscape.  Since then the "Pele" within me has been dormant, which I prefer, but...there is pressure building in my core.
Volt is within volatility, maybe I will just have a volt bolt tower moment.

EARTH MAGIC Oracle Cards


  1. May you channel all that energy in a positive direction.♥

  2. I used to have a hair trigger temper, spent most of my life standing on my tongue. Somewhere I actually learned to not sweat the small stuff. And in truth that was all I was ever mad about. Nothing worth the effort of the blowback

    1. Sometimes it is done to see what happens. Nothing like stirring the pot.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...