Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Leave it till later

I am not getting anywhere with these two.  In the Devil card it almost looks like vapors forming the two people, so maybe what we speak can become who we are; makes sense.  Not sure about that Star rising up from the murky depths- Hope springs eternal.
Release after bondage?
Balance? Realignment? Dark and Light?
Lived and Rats(backward spelling)?
Something to think on today.

The Fountain Tarot


  1. you have to believe in a god to believe in the devil. In real estate we learn we own from the center of the earth to the top of the sky. And we know the earth isn't flat. What ever we do, good bad indifferent, the star knows we own it, we don't need permission to break away or enjoy it. ???? eh? What did she just say :)

    1. And now the below the ground and above can be owned by others. Basically we are all just tenants wherever we live. We are not permanent.

  2. I don't believe in a Devil, but I do believe there is something within my own thoughts that can have the same effect on me - keeping me in some kind of bondage. Perhaps the Star is simply waiting to be noticed - a guiding light.

    1. Like both of you, I do not believe in the Devil. Something to try to keep us toeing the line. Not working....


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...