Friday, August 24, 2018

C'est la vie

Poseidon he ain't.  This is the owner/manager of the office I work at.  Pretty decent guy I guess.  Working closely with him the last year makes me want to put some distance between us.  Familiarity breeds contempt is a good description of my take on him now.  He seems like your typical watery man, but he has some under-currents in his nature that like a flash flood can undermine your foundations.  He gives you that look of 'disappointment' when you don't go with his flow, and that is just YUCK. 
I am biased against Kings, mostly from their abuse over the years and now I am of an age I just won't tolerate it; not that I ever did that much.

The Fountain Tarot


  1. watery man, under-currents like a flash flood
    Great visuals!

  2. Ick indeed. I have started saging myself after being around him


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...