Sunday, August 19, 2018

Pair of...

Yesterday Queen of Swords and today her sister, the Queen of Wands.  What a pair of great gals.  The Queen of Swords told me the truth and The Queen of Wands, suggests I live my truth.
I read a line somewhere and for some reason did not write down the author or book, something about magic. Guess I will search it out...
"And it was here that the truth was revealed to me. If having money, a boyfriend, and all sorts of stuff didn't have the power to make me happy, then it follows, that the absence of those things never had the power to to make me unhappy."

"Balls said the Queen, if I had them I'd be King." Jill Clayburg in Unmarried Women, movie

The Fountain Tarot
Jonathan Saiz, Jason Gruhl, Andi Todaro


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...