Saturday, April 21, 2018

Ouch, stop it Please

Using my Heart as a pincushion. Quit it.

For today the Three of Swords brings to mind a pincushion and all those and myself that have pinned painful memories to it. 
A month or so back I ordered the book, Energy Strands by Denise Linn.  There had been some promotional hype on HayHouse so I bought into it.  It is also the last self-help book I buy.  I started reading last night and so far nothing new; what did I really expect.  Still it reminds me all the memories that are attached to my life and the strongest ones are directly rooted to my heart.  Can we really disconnect and cut those things that woven into our tapestries? The Good and the Not So Good are part an parcel of who we/I am; change those and we change ourselves.  Do we cut some cords or discard some memories and only keep the good ones?  No I think not.  Without the dark there is no light. No bad? then how can you distinguish it what would be good? 
Something to ponder on I suppose as I troll through the book.

Rider Waite-Smith Tarot


  1. it has been years now, but the book Simple Abundance opened up my mind to the idea of living for myself rather than for something or someone else. Then Yesterday I Cried was how I got rid of some of my baggage. Both day books so sips to think on. And then Julia Cameron's books, I feel her influence each day. As Billy Crystal says "its a process..."

  2. I read Simple Abundance long time ago and lent to one of my sisters in Indianapolis and never got back. Maybe I will check it out at the Library. It is a process

  3. I agree with you Carolyn that so much of the New Age writing is the same old same old. It's hard to find a book that offers something to chew on these days.

    I haven't read Vanzant's "Then Yesterday I Cried" yet, but did enjoy (many years ago) her book "One Day My Soul Just Opened Up."


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...