Thursday, July 26, 2018


Greetings and Salutations! 
Yesterday-ten of swords, today Ten of Cups, and the Wheel turns.  As soon as I can turn away from the doom and gloom of repetitive thoughts of 'woes is me' the wheel turns and I can be back on top.  I noticed I have been a bit bipolar of my job/career; one day good the other not so much.  Last night I was watching PBS 'Worlds Natural Wonders-Life at Extremes', and realize the stark differences of my life and those living closer to the natural world. Is mine better or theirs? Each, I am sure, has their blessings, so I best count mine and enjoy my Ten of Cups day.

Rider Waite-Smith Tarot


  1. If I had the power I'd give you that perfect world. For a week. Then you'd probably be asking to go back to our get a little give a little world. Can hardly wait to hug your neck.

    1. Perfect no, it would get boring and god knows what I would get myself into to stir it up. It will be a great pleasure to see you and get and give hugs.

  2. It seems today is my day for the Ten of Swords. :) Hope you make the most of every ounce of joy in your day today!

    1. My ten of swords day wasn't so bad yesterday. It was more of clean of your stinkin' thinkin' kind of day. Usually the RWS 10of swords throws me in a tailspin. Before I was hurt in the 2012 tornado, I drew that RWS ten of swords about 30 times in the 4 months previous to my ordeal. I knew something was coming, just didn't know how bad. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, is a questionable idiom.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...