Saturday, October 15, 2016


This Queen of Wands seems to have lost her spark. She appears dark with not much light or fire energy left.  Maybe she got caught in the habit of doing too much for too many.  She actually feels like a reversed queen of wands and when I scanned the card in, the image scanned upside down.
-No Coincidences-   I rescanned the card for a better look see.

  Depleted with nothing left to give.  When we have done all that we can do-it is best to withdrawal and give it a rest.  If we don't we can slip to the darker side of our nature, become embittered, wounded, disenchanted and from there what do we have left to give?
Is she a reminder or a warning...

I understand the shadows, I don't like being in them and I try to make sure I don't linger there.  They help me appreciate the Light and that I am very grateful for. 

The Linestrider's Tarot - Siolo Thompson


  1. In that emptiness a warped agenda can take root. A cruel master indeed.

    1. It is in that emptiness if not careful despair and cruelty can take hold.

  2. That cat seems to be taking a very protective stance on her shoulder, almost as a lookout.

  3. in the darkest night the stars do shine the brightest


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...