Thursday, October 27, 2016

Port of Call

Responsibility before self expression.

I wonder.  Often, I give up my time to be my most authentic self to make sure the job is done.  Making sure that I keep a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food on the table.  When the client and customers call I put my own needs to the side and take care of theirs.  I don't do it 24/7 like I did when I got started.  I still work with the premise of 'strike while the iron is hot.'  Which now that I think of it is my center card in my Autumnal reading.
Work, work, work, has been instilled in me and it is true of my Capricorn nature.  But I wonder if I had been encouraged to continue with my poetry when I was a teenager what a different woman I would be.  Both life's are worth tipping my cup to, still         I wonder.

I am grateful for all that is well in my world.

The Marco Polo Tarot


  1. they aren't mutually exclusive. Go ahead. whip us up something fun about the emperor's/kings new clothes :) I do admire the new pope for living like a human rather than a potentate.

  2. I agree with Sharyn! Write write write!! Writing poetry can be a wonderful counterweight to a busy job

    1. I fear the words are too deeply buried. I am different and not as poetry in my soul.

  3. I'm chiming in with Sharyn and Ellen - write, even if you think the words are buried too deep. I bet the more you practiced, the more would come back. Everyone deserves to have a creative outlet they enjoy and spend time doing.

    1. I enjoy this blogging, it is a pretty creative outlet.

    2. Opportunities to be creative always come round again even if they/we are different. Can you do the affirmation 'I am a poet' and go from there? Sharyn reminded me I am a historian even if my paid work is teaching management studies. If we practice it we are it!


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...