Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Do we isolate ourselves because we are fearful or does fear isolate us?  I look at those questions and also wonder are they stating the same or different perspectives?  Do we leave the safe and known because for some reason it doesn't feel safe?  And, is whats out there any better than what we leave behind?
I am working with a very challenging person.  She views most if not all of her life from behind the lens of fear.  The world and everyone in it  is out to get her.  There is no way that I can talk to her with out every-thing being said becoming twisted, mostly because she is in such a spin, always twisting this way and that trying to see what is coming at her...paranoia is its name.   The home has been ordered by the Court to get the home sold because her and her brother cannot agree; I got the golden ticket to sell the place.
 I find myself on my own more and more and I wonder is it possible that some sort of fear has taken hold of me since the tornado and that I will find myself in this lost and lonely place?
Thankfully I still have enough wits about me and chose the direction that I head off to.  For today that is enough.

The Linestrider's Tarot


  1. I can relate to becoming more fearful after a serious trauma but we can also be hopeful since we are aware of our fear. Now we ar able to confront and perhaps change it and that is a whole lot more than your client is able to
    Take care my friend

    1. I work with my fear everyday, in fact I have been treating it as my friend. Still when you are around someone as negative as this gal you have to wonder, what went wrong and I could be next?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You aren't walking alone Carolyn. And pain in the tutu customers are a dime a dozen. Don't turn them into quarters :) This one also will pass...

    2. I look back on all the challenging clients and some I can still recall others are non existent in my mental catalog file. Still I wonder about this gal, she is a different kind of nuts. Makes me think of any old saying 'when we look into the abyss, the abyss looks back.'

  3. I think you are smart enough to question your thoughts to see if they are actually real or just appear to be. Even if you tell that lady "look for the evidence" I doubt she would comprehend what you're talking about. Hugs to you for having to deal with her.

    1. Thanks for support. I feel a bit sorry for her to have to live a life from the perspective that everyone is out to get her.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...