Monday, October 17, 2016

One more please

I wonder how many are affected by the influence of a Full Moon.  The one overhead the last few nights has been extraordinary.

This Eight of Cups doesn't feel like walking away from anything; more like in search of something else.  If the the nine of cups is joy, satisfaction, and a happy sense of completion, this eight of cups feels like the search for the one more thing to make me happy.
I can't decide if it is a negative or positive quest.  The suggestion of the nine of cups says positive.  Do I really need to search for one more thing to make me happy?  Maybe. 
Yesterday I went to a little Unity Church in the neighborhood.  The moderator's topic was compassion, mostly for ourselves.  There was this little handout that was a self-graded questionnaire she asked all to do.  I did not.  When she saw that I was not participating, she questioned me on it and seemed a bit annoyed with me.  After the service she stopped me and asked me and I told her I didn't feel like validating or invalidating myself with the questionnaire.  (it was not how I wanted to fill my extra cup yesterday)



  1. I view this card as positive - not necessarily easy though. For me, it is recognizing I am emotionally unfulfilled, and this sends me searching for the right cup to fill me. (Meaning too that the wrong choice was made in the Seven of Cups.)

    1. Maybe looking for a matching cup to keep in reserve in case one of the others breaks. That way you all have a matched set. I usually see the eight of cups on a more positive note.

  2. Replies
    1. How is your weather. Still stormy with remnants of the typhoon battering the area? Guess you didn't get to see Luna in all her glory.

  3. Only we can decide what makes us truly happy and it is often quite different from living up to some one else's expectations
    Saying No is is brave thing to do :

    1. I am tired of going along for the sake of going along.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...