I had one of the weirdest dreams I think I have ever had last night. No way have I ever experienced anything remotely like that, so I wonder how did my subconscious mind fabricate that? Within the dream there was a part of me that knew I was dreaming, and yet I could not shake myself awake. I finally shook myself out of it when I encountered a group of maybe fifty big hairy yetis. Vicious and destructive, I hid amongst a big pile of debris as they ran off into the distance, and yet I think two remained aware that I was hiding and were waiting to ambush me. At that point I told myself to wake up because I did not want to experience whatever they might do to me. I sat up for the longest time asking my higher-self what was that about? What message was I supposed to get? And how the heck did my mind come up with a murderous chase ending with a bigfoot encounter? Was it a 'Whisper of Fortune" Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to what our mind frames and we just have to shake it off. Sometimes there is no answer.
Majestic Earth Tarot
Well the good news is that even in your dream your common sense told you to hide and protect yourself! I've heard that strange things in dreams can represent real people or situations in waking life. Is there anyone you feel like you need protection from?