Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Implausible? Maybe


Unlikely associations can challenge us to embark on a previously unconsidered actions. Go forth, do something, is all well and good until we find ourselves so far astray we wonder what the heck, what were we thinking, and where on earth am I at?  

Leo is a fixed fire sign with all kinds of  interesting, innovative ideas, starts to new adventures, but Leo likes to stay put and let others come to him for direction. Jupiter the planet of expansion helps us put some of those Leo ideas into action.  If someone comes to me with a wacky thought or proposal today, maybe I might just give it some consideration.

Majestic Earth Tarot


  1. Taking a wise, wide view. :) This is such a lovely deck!

  2. I like unlikely associations, they make me think, but they've also given me my "3 week" rule. No leaping in for 3 weeks at least.


Be Well

 My thoughts today are with a friend that is undergoing a major surgery, one that impacts her life. Sending healing energy and loving though...